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  1. Freenet: a peer-to-peer network designed to allow the distribution of information over the Internet in an efficient manner, without fear of censorship. MNet: A distributed file store is a shared virtual space into which you can put, and from which you can get, files.

  2. P2P communication software sends and receives data without needing a third party server. Bitmessage Briar qTox Retroshare Ricochet Jami (formerly Ring, formerly SFLphone) secushare Serval Mesh/ Chat Related Free Code Chat Apps

  3. "Wireshark is an open-source software program that is freely available to computer security investigators. It is distinguished by its ease of use and by its ability to sort out and decode hundreds of common Internet protocols that are used for different types of data communications.

  4. Description. From the Wikipedia [1] : " A permissive free software licence is a class of free software licence with minimal requirements about how the software can be redistributed. This is in contrast to licences which have reciprocity / share-alike requirements. [1] .

  5. Steven Weber, the author of the landmark book, The Success of Open Source, argues that it is not enough to characterize free software as a non-rival resource, it is more than than, anti-rival.Excerpt from Page 153f: "I believe the solution to this problem lies in ...

  6. 2011年1月26日 · The original ATCA -- Asymmetric Threats Contingency Alliance -- is a philanthropic expert initiative founded in 2001 to resolve complex global challenges through collective Socratic dialogue and joint executive action to build a wisdom based global economy.

  7. FOSS in Taiwan, an overview of the situation regarding free and open software in Taiwan. Pages in category "Taiwan" The following 19 pages are in this category, out of 19 total. Amin Yosyo on the Smangus Aboriginal Community Labor Cooperative in Taiwan. Colin Megill on the Deliberative Methology of Polis Applied in Taiwan. Escher Tsai.

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