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  1. 防水防風外套 相關

  2. 只要10件訂。感謝政府機關單位與企業公司支持推薦獅王衣帽,快速回覆,價格實惠,交貨快。 訂製背心10件訂。可搭配印刷或電繡,多種款式,任君挑選。獅王專業訂製企業團體活動背心、外套


  1. Okay, we're not waiting that long. 好喔,但我們不會等那麼久。. Okay, let me know when we're actually ready. 好喔,等我們真的準備好了再告訴我。. We're actually ready right now. Don't get comfortable! 我們現在就已經好了,不要鬆懈下來。. (You've got mail)

  2. 例如防水靴子或是防水衣服。 So , to protect you from the rain or from water in other situations . 可以預防你們被雨淋濕、或是在其他情況下被水淋濕。

  3. 所以特別是在冬天,當你來 進家門,你可能會想掛上你的外套 in the closet if there 's not enough room on the coat hangers. 櫃子裡如果不夠用 在衣架上。 So you ' ll notice behind me here the kitchen. 所以你會注意到我身後的廚房。 The kitchen is one of my in .

  4. 影片播放. Winter is coming and we've all been told to put a jacket on outside, or you'll catch a cold! 冬天來了,我們都被唸過出門要穿外套,要不然會感冒!. Of course, the common response to today has become, "Don't be silly, being cold can't give you a cold!" 當然現在多數的反應是:「別傻了,天氣冷 ...

  5. 旅遊實用篇學這些英文用法:阿滴英文,手套,粉色,商品,購物,阿滴,請問,店員,美麗,尺寸,買到,中文,影片,想要,看到,沒關係,衣服 ...

  6. 穿多點外套就好! And last but not least , Asian moms love keeping things looking as new as possible , even if that means keeping the little plastic wrapper on . 最後,但同樣重要的是,亞裔媽媽總愛讓東西看起來越新越好,就算東西到最後只剩一小片塑膠包裝紙,她們也甘願。

  7. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學 ...

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