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  2. 過去一個月已有 超過 100 萬 位使用者造訪過 提供超豐富的住宿類型任你挑. 官方網站 – 飯店...


  1. Bio. "Aral Balkan is an experience designer working to change the world by bringing design thinking to open source to create a new category of technology: design‐led open source.

  2. ATU develops 130 gongbans annually in areas ranging from smart phones, tablets, smart watches, smart homes, and industrial controls—and distributes the designs for free. WPI then makes money by trading in the boards’ components. "We call this shanzhai in Shenzhen.

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    Henrik Igo : "How do you control a programming project that involves tens – or, in the case of Linux, hundreds – of programmers working in different parts of the globe, particularly when the workers are volunteers who have no official status as employees on the project? Linus is the benevolent dictator of the Linux project. He didn’t coin the expre...

    Summary by Vasilis Kostakis

    "Stalder (2008) submits that leadership in peer projects is not egalitarian, but meritocratic: “Everyone is free, indeed, to propose a contribution, but the people who run the project are equally free to reject the contribution outright … The core task of managing a Commons is to ensure not just the production of resources, but also to prevent its degradation from the addition of low quality material.” Further, benevolent dictatorships are common (Bauwens, 2005a; 2005b; Malcolm, 2008). For in...

    Eric Raymond: Are P2P processes 'benevolent dictatorships'?

    "Eric Raymond had the same limitations in mind when he noted that open source projects are often run as "benevolent dictatorships." They are not benevolent because the people are somehow better, but because the dictatorship is based almost exclusively on the people's ability to convince others to follow their lead. This means that coercion is almost non-existent. Hence, a dictator who is no longer benevolent and alienates his or her followers loses the ability to dictate. The ability to coerc...

    Tony Mobily: Why a Benevolent Dictator is needed

    From Tony Mobily at "As a software developer, I feel that a dictator is absolutely necessary in every free software project. Here is why. Respect earned by the BDFL The first reason is probably the most important one: respect. The benevolent dictator for life (BDFL from now on) needs to make decisions — in fact, a lot of decisions — and at the same time maintain other people’s respect. Decisions are not always...

    On the role of Jimmy Wales in Wikipedia

    From: "“The Arbitration Committee exists to impose binding solutions to Wikipedia disputes. This solution may be anything up to and including a ban from editing Wikipedia for a period of time.The Arbitration Committee is the last step in the dispute resolution process — it is a last resort to be turned to when all else has failed. Other steps, including discussion between users and, where appropriate, mediation, should be tried firs...

    Linus Torvards and Linux

    By Lee Fleming (Harvard Business School), David M. Waguespack (University of Maryland): Rivlin (2003) illustrates howLinus Torvalds (the original author of LINUX) realizesthat his authority is technically derived, tenuous, andconstantly in need of collective reaffirmation: “His hold over Linux is based more on loyalty than legalities.He owns the rights to the name and nothing else.Theoretically, someone could appropriate every last lineof his OS [operating system] and rename it Sally. “Ican’t...

    Benevolent dictator governance model,
  3. Collaborative Lifestyles. = one of three forms of Collaborative Consumption identified by Rachel Botsman et al.: It’s not just physical goods that can be shared, swapped, and bartered. People with similar interests are banding together to share and exchange less tangible assets such as time, space, skills, and money.

  4. 2024年1月6日 · Using data collected from an original survey of over 600 ride-hailing drivers in two Chinese cities, the roles of the state and capital, as well as their interactions in shaping capital's control over the platform reserve army in China, are clarified.

  5. Bio. “Arran Gare is Associate Professor (Reader) in Philosophy and Cultural Inquiry at Swinburne University, and founder of the Joseph Needham Centre for Complex Processes Research. The focus of his research is transforming culture to create a global ecological civilization.

  6. 2024年8月2日 · San Pisith is a Buddhist monk and an early-stage researcher at the Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance.

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