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  2. Bee mucus is effectively functions to decrease blood sugar , blood fat and cholesterol. 蜂膠具有很好的血糖、血脂、 降膽固醇 的作用。 Business week weighed in with a report that asked : “ do cholesterol drugs do any good ? 商業周刊提出了疑問: “ 降膽固醇 藥物真的完美無暇嗎?

  3. Fibre lowers cholesterol. 纖維 降低膽固醇. Eating more often. 多餐有益于 降低膽固醇. Clear up that stuffy head with garlic . ( remember , garlic lowers cholesterol , too. 讓來使頭腦清醒!記住,大蒜還可以 降低膽固醇 。. Clear up that stuffy head with garlic . ( remember , garlic lowers cholesterol , too. 讓 ...

  4. 具有降低膽固醇、降血壓、降血糖及防癌等特殊功能,更有難能可貴的天然紅色素,是珍貴的美味健康天然食品。. Arawana , as the forerunner of cooking oil industry of our country , developed and presented healthier sunflowerseed oil in earlier 2002 , sunflowerseed oil does not contain cholesterin but ...

  5. 少吃脂肪及高膽固醇食物,如豬油、油條、奶油、豬腦、鵪鶉蛋、魷魚、墨魚等。 此外,進食過量高脂肪及 高膽固醇食物 ,令血液中膽固醇水平升高,加促脂肪斑塊聚積在血管內壁,阻塞血管通道,減低血液流量。

  6. 例句與用法. Business week weighed in with a report that asked : “ do cholesterol drugs do any good ? 商業周刊提出了疑問: “ 降膽固醇藥物 真的完美無暇嗎?. Millions of people currently take cholesterol - lowering drugs called statins in hopes of reducing their risk of heart attack or death. 數百萬人正在 ...

  7. 膽固醇英文翻譯: [生物化學] cholesterol; cholesteri…,點擊查查綫上辭典詳細解釋膽固醇 ... 身體的大部分膽固醇是在肝和腸內由消化的食物 制成的。After the operation, the patient's blood cholesterol level is reduced permanently by 50 to 60 per cent ...

  8. 膽固醇的英文翻譯,高膽固醇英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯高膽固醇,高膽固醇的英文單字,高胆固醇的英文,高胆固醇 meaning in English,高膽固醇怎麼讀,英文發音,英文拼音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。

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