Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past is a scenario-driven campaign game that features story content from the IDW TMNT comic. One player takes on the role of the ultimate villain Shredder, while the others take the role of their favorite Turtle.
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Unmatched Adventures: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the second title in the co-operative Unmatched Adventures series. Play as Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo to take down Shredder or fight off Krang. They'll be joined by a host of TMNT characters.
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2018年5月26日 · These play sheets include pages specifically for new players as well as sheets for experienced ones. New players will benefit with quick reference to the basic rules page numbers and a dungeon chart builder placed directly adjacent to a starter map grid.
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璀璨宝石:宝可梦 (Chinese edition) [Board Game Version Link] [What Links Here]What
The Kickstarter Exclusive Edition comes with: - Casting Shadows Base Game in Kickstarter Exclusive Edition Box with alternate art, a magnetic box upgrade, and a removable sleeve with the standard edition art. The box is upgraded to accomodate sleeved cards as well as cards and components in the Ice Storm Expansion Pack.
In Harmonies, build landscapes by placing colored tokens and create habitats for your animals. To earn the most points and win the game, incorporate the habitats in your landscapes wisely and have as many animals as you can settle there. —description from the publisher.