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  1. Well, according to a number of Reddit posters who claim to be current or former McDonald's employees, it has to do with how the kitchen works. 根據許多自稱是麥當勞現任或前任員工的 Reddit 發文者表示,這跟廚房的作業方式有關。. It turns out there's a big transition between the breakfast menu and the lunch menu ...

  2. 我點的漢堡、薯條和焦糖海鹽拿鐵總共才不到 9 塊美金。 For McDonald 's probably a little high, but still good, I would say. 對於麥當勞的餐點來講有點貴,但還算可以啦,我想。 For me, the kiosk is taking a bit of getting used to. 對我來說,這個點餐亭有點難

  3. 麥當勞創始人雷·克羅克於 1955 年在伊利諾伊州開設了他的第一家餐廳,菜單上只有三種食品。. Its staple was a 15-cent hamburger. 它的主食是 15 美分的漢堡。. It first moved outside the continental US in 1967. 1967 年,它首次走出美國大陸。. Now, the company has over 40,000 restaurants in ...

  4. 影片播放. One of these is not a hamburger. 這兩個其中一個不是真正的漢堡. This one was created in a lab. 這個是在實驗室中製作出來的. It's called the Impossible Burger, and it's 100% made from plants. 這叫做不可能的漢堡」,並且是百分之百由植物做成的. But unlike your typical veggie ...

  5. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。學 ...

  6. B1 中級 中文 漢堡 廣告 拍攝 機器人 食物 鏡頭 為什麼企業願意投入大把鈔票拍攝食品廣告?原來是因為這個原因!(Why Food Commercials Cost Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars | Big Business | Business Insider)

  7. oh my goodness, they goin ham. 我的天啊 這個根本猛到不行. oh my goodness, oh my dayum. 我的天啊 我的媽. oh my goodness, they goin ham. 我的天啊 這個根本猛到不行. this is how bacon is supposed to be. 培根就是這樣才像話嘛. the fries, they blend so perfectly.

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    陶虹漢堡 menu