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  1. Ocean Freight and Express Service to China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malyasia, Vietnam, Maucau| Domestic Interstate Moving Service in All 50 states within U.S. About Us C harlene Transport has 200,000 square feet of warehouse space throughout the world and 16’-53’ trucks. ...

  2. Ocean Freight and Express Service to China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malyasia, Vietnam, Maucau| Domestic Interstate Moving Service in All 50 states within U.S. 常見問題FAQ 以下是一些常見問題,如您有其他相關問題可以隨時透過Email,電話(347-813 ...

  3. • Please do NOT use boxes from The Home Depot or Duck® Heavy Duty Box when shipping to China. China’s Customs only allows up 50 books. Please do not exceed this number. Also, please use 16"x12"x12" or 14"x14"x14" box for books;Please do not ship any books or printed material that are against government regulation. ...

  4. USPS是傳說最便宜的,但是你如果有居住在美國,應該就有一些體會郵局丟件及運輸品質不佳情事時有耳聞。 相對以上四種運輸方式,巨力運輸提供比以上四家更優惠的價格、更安全的服務品質。

  5. 購買地點: 您可以上以下網站購買 Heavy-Duty + Double-Wall 堅固雙層厚紙箱。請注意, 點選連結後請自行找尋 Heavy-Duty + Double-Wall 的箱子。由於網路 公司時常更換連結, 我司不保證您點選連結後所看的箱子即為 Heavy-Duty + Double-Wall 的箱子, 還請您特別

  6. 2020年1月1日 · Ocean Freight and Express Service to China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malyasia, Vietnam, Maucau| Domestic Interstate Moving Service in All 50 states within U.S. Please do not use The Home Depot's Heavy-Duty & Double Wall box if you intend to ship over 30LBS per box, $20-35/box fee will incurred for repacking if you do so. ...

  7. 客戶評價 巨力致力於提供每一位客人最滿意的運輸體驗,無論您是學生畢業回國,還是工作舉家搬遷,巨力工作人員皆秉持熱心服務的精神,耐心協助引導并安排最合適的行李運輸方案。我們的目標是希望客人能輕鬆無憂慮的搭飛機回國,因為巨力會安全的護送行李至家