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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. an elevator; a lift

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  2. Add to word list. A2 US (UK lift) a device like a box that moves up and down, carrying people or goods from one floor of a building to another or taking people up and down underground in a mine. 電梯. a conveyor (= moving strip) that can be used for removing goods from a ship, putting bags onto an aircraft, moving grain, etc.

  3. 2017年10月3日 · bear在英文的意思有多種意思在此是動詞配戴攜帶裝備解釋另一個重要意思是承受忍耐」。 例句:The pain was so unbearable that he had to take pain relievers for 2 weeks.(那疼痛實在讓他無法忍受,所以他必須連吃兩個星期的止痛藥。

  4. 2017年1月23日 · lift / elevator(電梯) 這是「電梯」的英式與美式說法。lift 這個字最常見的意思是「提起、抬起」,在英式英文電梯就是 lift,就像電梯的功能是把人抬到其他樓層,這樣看起來就好記多囉! pavement / sidewalk(人行道) 這是「人行道」的英式與美式說法。

  5. a short but effective explanation that is intended to persuade someone to buy a product or accept an idea: If I were to give you an elevator pitch, it would probably go something like this: we operate the best health clubs in the best locations for 18- to 80-year-olds. 如果是我要“电梯游说”你的话,大体上应该是这样:我们在最好的地方为18到80岁的人经营最好的健身俱乐部。 查看更多. 未配備電梯的公寓.

  6. noun [ C ] uk / ˈes.kə.leɪ.tə r/ us / ˈes.kə.leɪ.t̬ɚ / Add to word list. B2. a set of stairs moved up or down by electric power on which people can stand and be taken from one level of a building to another, especially in shops, railway stations, and airports. 自動手扶梯,電梯. I'll meet you by the up/down escalator on the second floor.

  7. 電梯英文有兩個常用的單字分別是 elevator( 聽發音 )與 lift( 聽發音 ),其中 elevator 是一般大樓內的電梯統稱,而 lift 這個單字雖然有電梯的意思,不過還額外有升降梯的意思,另外還有一種常在百貨公司、大賣場或捷運站可以看到的電扶梯英文是 escalator( 聽發音 ),中文也稱為手扶梯,雖然大樓的電梯與長長的電扶梯都屬於電梯,不過型態不太一樣,別搞混囉! 電梯英文造句練習. Our building elevator failure, being repaired. 我們的建築物 電梯 故障了,正在維修。 We live on the 10th floor, take the elevator every day. 我們住在10樓,每天都要坐 電梯 。

  8. 2022年11月2日 · 電梯的英式英文vs.美式英文在初階班的商務英文會話課程中Peggy老師都會設計一些必學生活會話及單字為因應商務出差或是與不同國籍的外國客戶交流時不至於會因為聽不懂英式及美式英文的差別而鬧出笑話。 Peggy老師的課程一直都深受許多初階學員的喜愛,老師用鼓勵引導的方...

  9. elevator. /ˈɛləˌveɪtər/ 名詞. 電梯. "elevator" 例句. Take the elevator to the top floor. 搭電梯到頂樓。 Do you want to take the elevator or stairs? 你想搭電梯還是走樓梯? It's faster to use the elevator than the stairs. 坐電梯比走樓梯還快。 "elevator" 相關課程教材. You can take the elevator or the escalator. 你可以搭電梯或手扶梯。 瀏覽教材. Hyun-woo runs into his neighbor Edith in the elevator.

  10. 可輸入英文單字、中文字詞、台灣地址、計算式 按[Enter]重新輸入

  11. 影片elevator: 電梯, escalator, 電扶梯, box-shaped, lift, raise, elevate,,龍騰Book1 Lesson7。源自於:均一教育平台 - 願 每個孩子都成為終身學習者,成就自己的未來。

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