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  1. 2023年5月22日 · A typical aPTT value is 30 to 40 seconds. If you get the test because you’re taking heparin, you’d want your PTT results to be more like 120 to 140 seconds, and your aPTT to be 60 to 80 ...

  2. 2023年7月3日 · The main difference between occupational therapy and physical therapy is the scope. Physical therapists usually focus on helping people move better. On the other hand, occupational therapists take ...

  3. 2023年5月28日 · A typical PT result is 10 to 14 seconds. Higher than that means your blood is taking longer than normal to clot and may be a sign of many conditions, including: Bleeding or clotting disorder. Lack ...

  4. 2023年7月7日 · Ultrasound is an effective way to treat swelling of muscles, joints, and ligaments. Ultrasound can be used to treat a wide range of health problems. But, it's most commonly used to solve problems ...

  5. 2022年8月12日 · Stage 1: Swelling. The first steps toward healing start right away. Blood vessels in the area of the cut begin to form clots that keep you from losing too much blood. White blood cells in your ...

  6. 2024年2月20日 · A phosphate test measures the amount of phosphate in your blood. If that sounds too simple, stay tuned for a slight curveball. Phosphate is what you get when you combine the mineral phosphorus ...

  7. 2022年8月17日 · 4 min read. Generally, it is normal to have a slower heart rate when you’re resting. It can be a sign of good health. But if it’s too slow, it could be a symptom of a condition called ...

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