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  1. 2023年1月26日 · Career. From the Wikipedia: "John Heron (24 September 1928 – 2022) was a pioneer in the creation of a participatory research method in the social sciences, called co-operative inquiry. This was based on his work in 1968–69 on the phenomenology of social encounter, and which has been applied by practitioners in many fields of professional ...

  2. Compared to traditional stream media, PPStream adopts p2p - streaming technology and supports full-scale visit with tens of thousands of users online. Its client software can be used as a webpage or as a desktop program. Currently the majority of PPStream TV channels are from China, Hong-Kong, Taiwan and Singapore."

  3. 2019年8月24日 · Enspiral Website - lots of good stuff in every section, links to articles and video content, etc. Enspiral Blog (on Medium) is regularly updated Open Enspiral - a series of short video presentations from different Enspiral Ventures, which we did as part of the Open Source // Open Society conference (which I organised earlier this year) - good way to get a sense of the people and diversity of ...

  4. 2023年9月8日 · Natalie has also taught courses in social informatics and computing, information management, information organization, and information sources and searching. Prior to joining Nanyang Technological University she has also worked in The Gallup Organisation, where she was involved with Gallup’s research in behavioural economics and The Gallup ...

  5. By Douglas Spencer: (in Radical Philosophy 2.01) "Bernard Stiegler’s Automatic Society: The Future of Work, the first volume in a projected series, is addressed to the implications of this turn to automation; concerned with the disappearance of work (or at least of ‘employment’), but also with other, and equally troubling, consequences of ...

  6. 2010年3月7日 · Apomediation theory conceptualizes that “apomediaries” (which includes Web 2.0 approaches) can partly take over the role of the intermediary and “push” or “guide” users to relevant and accurate information. The Web 2.0 environment is essentially an “apomediated environment”, with all the issues affecting related to apomediation ...

  7. 2019年4月21日 · Bio. "Yuk Hui studied Computer Engineering and Philosophy at the University of Hong Kong and Goldsmiths College in London, with a focus on philosophy of technology. Since 2012 he teaches philosophy at the institute of philosophy and art (IPK) of the Leuphana University Lüneburg where he wrote his habilitation thesis.

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