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  1. 2023年9月11日 · Klinefelter syndrome is a genetic condition in which a boy is born with an extra X chromosome. Instead of the typical XY chromosomes in men, they have XXY, so this condition is sometimes called XXY...

  2. 2024年6月9日 · May-Thurner syndrome, also known as iliac vein compression syndrome or Cockett's syndrome, affects two blood vessels that go to your legs. It could make you more likely to have a DVT (deep vein...

  3. Adenosine Deaminase Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (ADA-SCID) ADHD in Children. Adult Vaccines. Aganglionic Megacolon. Agenesis of Commissura Magna Cerebri. Agenesis of Corpus Callosum. Age ...

  4. 2023年9月20日 · Asperger’s syndrome is a term sometimes used to describe a developmental disorder that’s part of the autism spectrum disorder (ASD). People who have this type of ASD tend to have a hard time...