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  1. 4. 救濟;救援;解圍 Rescue workers were sent to relieve the trapped coal miners. 搶險人員被派去解救被困在井下的煤礦工人。. 5. 使寬慰,使放心 [H] Knowing the truth relieved the anxious parents. 知道事情的真相使焦急的父母大為寬心。. 6. 【口】偷,竊去 [(+of)] The minister was relieved ...

  2. 緩解 就業壓力 to ease (alleviate or relieve) employment pressure Dr.eye 譯典通 更多解釋 緩解 pinying[huan3 jie3] to blunt CEDict 服務中心 建議 隱私權政策 服務條款 您的隱私權選擇 ...

  3. intoxicate. vt. vt. 1. 使喝醉 How could she become intoxicated after only one glass of wine? 她只喝了一杯酒怎麼就醉了呢?. 2. 使陶醉;使狂喜 [H] [(+by)] The prospect of success intoxicates me.

  4. 1. (指方式,方法)怎樣怎麼 How did you climb to the top of that building? 你是如何爬上樓頂的? 2. (指健康等情況)怎樣 How is Mrs. Smith? 史密斯太太身體好嗎? 3. (指數量,程度)多少 How many students are there in your class? 你班裡有多少學生? 4. ...

  5. 暫時的休息(或喘息);(痛苦的)緩解,暫止 have a brief respite from one's work 工作之餘稍作休息 The noise went on all night without respite. 吵鬧聲整夜不停。. vt. 及物動詞. 1. 緩期執行(死刑等);暫緩履行(義務等). 2. 使暫息;使(痛苦等)緩解. 更多解釋.

  6. could she become intoxicated after only one glass of wine? 她只喝了一杯酒怎麼 就醉了呢? Dr.eye 譯典通 intoxicated intoxicate的動詞過去式、過去分詞 Dr.eye 譯典通 intoxicate vt. 使醉 牛津中文字典 intoxicated adj. 喝醉的 to drive while intoxicated ...

  7. 食物中毒 的可能性已被排除。 同義詞 vt. 排斥;禁止 bar, outlaw, reject, forbid, prohibit, shut out, keep out 反義詞 「vt. 不包括」的反義字 include excluded exclude的動詞過去式、過去分詞 ...