Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Discover the best add-ons, mods, and more being built by the incredible Minecraft community! Mojang Studios is proud to release the most important update to date that will add so much usability to the poisonous potato that even tater-haters will become devoted spud-buds. Introducing: The Poisonous Potato Update – rich in both carbs AND features!

  2. 第一次玩 Minecraft 嗎?在您探索之前,家長和玩家可先獲得如何遊玩 Minecraft 和遊戲內安全功能等的提示。 廣大的主世界盡在您手中,但現在呢?您可以做什麼以及該怎麼做呢?您可以在此深入瞭解遊戲,並探索 Minecraft 的不同生物和功能,同時系統也會給予一些提示和工具,讓您能準備好開始旅程。

  3. Minecraft 的世界相當巨大,何不趁此機會讓它超越方塊界限呢?. 使用我們最愛的 Minecraft 桌布和社群橫幅等,自訂您的裝置!. 查看所有收藏品. 在 Minecraft 官方網站探索全新遊戲冒險、配件和商品。. 在此購買和下載遊戲,或是查看網站掌握最新消息。.

  4. FIRE TV. 停在放大鏡圖示以進入商店,輸入「Minecraft」並在出現下載更新選項時選取它。. 下載後,圖示將出現在主畫面分頁的「最近」下方。. 若要更新遊戲,請選取 Minecraft 後按下選單按鈕 (三條水平線) 並按一下「更多資訊」。. 在遊戲說明下將出現「更新 ...

    • How Do I Update Minecraft Launcher?
    • Why Won’T Minecraft Launcher Open?
    • Can You Launch Minecraft Without Using Minecraft Launcher?

    You’ll be able to see when you need to update your Minecraft Launcher by going to your account settings. Go to Settings > About to find all available Launcher updates.

    If you are having trouble opening the Minecraft Launcher, you may need to check for updates or contact the Minecraft Support Team to report your issue. You can also browse through the Minecraft Launcher Troubleshooting FAQpage to see if your issue has been addressed.

    You can launch your Minecraft games without using Minecraft Launcher, but it will help you save time by putting all of your games in one place.

  5. 首次进入 Minecraft 的游戏世界?在开启旅程之前,家长和玩家可以获得有关 Minecraft 玩法、游戏内安全功能等提示。 广袤的主世界就在您的脚下,但现在是什么情况?您能做什么?您又该怎么办?您可以从这里深入了解游戏并探索 Minecraft 的不同模式和功能,还有一些提示和工具,助您顺利踏上旅程。

  6. Play the free trial! Enjoy player mods, world customization, multiplayer servers, and more on the original version of the classic game.Cross-platform play between Mac, PC, and Linux for an unforgettable building experience with your closest friends! Try Minecraft: Java Edition now, available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

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