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  1. Michael H. Goldhaber is a writer and consultant living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area. He originated the concept of the Attention Economy in the mid–eighties and has since worked to better understand what is at stake. This is part of a larger framework of trying to understand how the human species and its apparent reality are ...

  2. 由于P2P正在引发第三种生产模式、第三种管理模式和第三种物权模式的出现,它们正准备空前的方式检阅我们的政治经济学。 本文旨在阐述一个概念性框架,一个“点对点理论”的导论部分,相信该框架可以足以使大家理解该新兴社会模式。

    • Description
    • Typology
    • Discussion
    • Key Books to Read
    • More Information

    The fundamental dichotomy suggested here (intrinsic vs. extrinsic) posits that motivations can be distinguished as either arising within and through the individual as a self-regulated phenomenon or by imposition from external sources or structures without a sense of free adoption or adaptation by the subject persons. From Alexander Kjerulf athttp:/...

    Another typology, of "Social Value Orientations Categories", from Wikipedia: "Social value orientations are based on the assumption that individuals pursue different goals when making decisions for which the outcomes affect others. Social psychologists generally distinguish between five types of social value orientations. The main difference betwee...

    Why Extrinsic Motivation Doesn't Work

    From Alfred Kohn: "If a reward — money, awards, praise, or winning a contest — comes to be seen as the reason one is engaging in an activity, that activity will be viewed as less enjoyable in its own right."( "extrinsic motivation has some serious drawbacks: 1. It’s not sustainable - As soon as you withdraw the punishment or reward, the motivation disappears. 2. You get diminishing returns - If the punishment or rewards stay at the same levels, motivation slow...

    Factors that promote intrinsic motivation

    "What enhances intrinsic motivation? This webpagecites some research and lists the factors that create and sustain intrinsic motivation. The list includes: 1. Challenge - Being able to challenge yourself and accomplish new tasks. 1. Control - Having choice over what you do. 1. Cooperation - Being able to work with and help others. 1. Recognition - Getting meaningful, positive recognition for your work. To these I would add: 1. Happiness at work - People who like their job and their workplace...

    How to avoid the Crowding Out of intrinsic motivation by extrinsic rewards

    From a study by Tobias Assman on Incentives for Participation at "The effects of external interventions on intrinsic motivation have been attributed to two psychological processes: (a) Impaired self-determination. When individuals perceive an external intervention to reduce their self-determination, they substitute intrinsic motivation by extrinsic control. Following Rotter (1966), the locus of contro...

    Alfie Kohn. Punished by Rewards. Info at Daniel Pink. Drive. Info at

    Really great TED talk about the topic by Daniel Pink:
    Lively RSA Animate, adapted from Dan Pink's talk at the RSA
    Podcast about intrinsic motivation at
    See our entry on the Crowding Outphenomenon.
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