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  1. Then we work with the seeds on another wave of 6 training classes, after which they can hold their own training camps.” Public servants describe this experience as “eye-opening” and/or “revolutionary,” with a 97.2% satisfaction rating in post-class surveys.

  2. * Issue #6: Disruption and the Law. Ed. by Angela Daly and Steve Collins. Journal of Peer Production, JANUARY 2015 URL = ...

  3. Source: François Diaz Maurin & Philip J. Vergragt (2010) Serge Latouche, Farewell to Growth, Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 6:2, 77-80, DOI: 10.1080/15487733.2010.11908056 Excerpt: "What emerges from Serge Latouche’s book, Farewell to Growth, is that the global crisis of the modern world is first and foremost a crisis of civilization.

    • Context
    • Definitions
    • Characteristics

    Robert Levin: " technological change continues to occur, in part because competing organizations often need the competitive advantage which new technology can provide. So we can be certain that, over time, more and more basic goods will become less and less scarce. With these changes, it becomes increasingly important to understand how human beings...

    agalmics (uh-GAL-miks), n. [Gr. "agalma", "a pleasing gift"]: The study and practice of the production and allocation of non-scarce goods. agalmic actor, n.: An individual or organization engaged in agalmic activity. agalmic software, n.: Computer software written and distributed as an agalmic activity. agalmia, n.: The sum of the agalmic activity ...

    Robert Levin: "To understand human behavior, we must find clear examples to study. Agalmic behavior involves the exchange of non-scarce goods, goods which can be found in the modern free software community. As we examine agalmic behavior, we'll frequently use examples involving free software. We can observe the following characteristics of agalmic ...

  4. 2023年11月6日 · Description. "The diamond is a map that points to three phases that groups pass through as they move from questions to insights. Groups begin with divergent thinking, sit for a while in the chaos and uncertainty of “The Groan Zone” and later move into convergent thinking."

  5. Dates : March 6-8, 2020 Form of the Event:The event will be held entirely online. Hack for Wuhan: "If you want to join us in this battle and contribute in the open source way, here comes an opportunity, as follows. Hackthon Awaiting You

  6. Description. HARVEY SCHACHTER: "The MultiCapital Scorecard focuses on five types of vital capital: Natural: Air, land, water, minerals, flora, fauna, ecosystems and other natural biophysical resources that humans and non-humans rely on for their well-being; Human: Knowledge, skills, experience, health, values, attitudes and ethical duties;

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