Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Tokyo Women’s Medical University Hospital (Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo) The TWMU’s foundational philosophy is “Sincerity and Compassion.” “Utmost sincerity” and “warm-heartedness (compassion)” are required in all settings including education, research, and clinical practice. Our medical centers, too, are operated in accordance with this ...

  2. Yayoi Yoshioka. In 1900, I founded Tokyo Women’s Medical School, the predecessor of Tokyo Women’s Medical University, with the purpose of improving the social position of women, who had very little status at that time. For women to improve their status, they needed to attain financial independence. As a doctor myself, it was my belief that ...

  3. Neurosurgery is a medical specialty fields that focuses on diagnosis, surgical treatment, and basic research on diseases of the entire nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and their accessory organs (blood vessels, bones, muscles, etc.). Since its establishment in 1969 (Showa 44), under the leadership of ...

  4. 糖尿病は、インスリン作用不足の結果、慢性血糖を特徴とする広範な代謝異常を起こし、網膜症、腎症、神経障害や種々の大血管障害を引き起こす、つまり全身の血管障害を引き起こす疾患である。. ますます増加する糖尿病患者に対し、糖尿病・代謝内 ...

  5. About us. Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Women’s Medical University School of Medicine is aiming to foster a physician scientist who have a wide range of knowledge in basic and clinical research of rheumatology and is able to plan, implement, and instruct a cutting-edge and high-quality research project.

  6. 消化器内科は食道、胃、小腸、大腸、そして肝臓、胆道系、膵臓までの病気の内科診療を担当し、特に入院では悪性腫瘍(肝臓癌、胃癌、大腸癌、膵臓癌など)の患者が約3分の1を占めています。. これらの患者に対して消化器内科では、内視鏡的治療、化学 ...

  7. 現在では診療放射線技師は大学法人による一括採用になっています。. それにより、各施設との人事交流も積極的に行うことが可能となり、幅広い業務に対応可能な診療放射線技師の育成にも大変力を注いでおります。. それに加えて、診療放射線技師による ...