Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 當中央銀行提高利率時,都會變成大新聞。 ... bank is judging that the only way they can try to pull down inflation is to carry on raising interest rates. ⋯⋯銀行判斷他們可以降低通膨的唯一方式就是繼續提高利率。 - We're gonna see rising rates... - ... rising interest rates that will make the cost of borrowing go up. - 我們將看到上漲的利率⋯⋯ - ⋯⋯提高的利率將會讓借款成本提升。 It can send ripples across the whole economy.

  2. 由於通貨膨脹在好轉之前可能會變得更糟,讓我們看一下幾個理論,了解這種情況為何發生,以及解決它並減緩通貨膨脹率的潛在方法。 Reason number 1, Pandemic Caused Shortages. 原因一,疫情引起的短缺。 It seems there's a general agreement that the effects of the pandemic are to blame for the recent rate of inflation.

  3. 經濟總是和生活息息相關。本片介紹各個年代的經濟學理論發展,並用淺顯易懂的動畫帶大家了解這些經濟學如何影響我們的生活。 1stall along the way0:59 stall along the way是指「一直停頓、沒有進展」的意思,其中stall的動詞解釋和它的名詞解釋是完全不一樣的。而along the way則是片語,代表「一路上 ...

  4. 在這部影片中,我們將帶領你認識 10 個簡單的省錢訣竅。 Now, you don't have to follow every single tip; you can simply incorporate a few into your new minimalist approach to saving. 你不必遵循每一個建議,你只需要將幾個建議融入你新的極簡儲蓄方法。 1. Cut Back on Takeaways. 1. 減少叫外賣. Spending on food and beverages can easily rack up without you even realizing. 食品和飲料的支出很容易在你不知不覺中累積起來。

  5. 因此我們確實認為抵押貸款利率將在 2024 年下降一點不是一次也不會下降到疫情時期的利率但會有所幫助。 And we also think that home prices will come down a little bit , maybe 1% in 2024.

  6. 貿易以美元進行,使美元需求保持在較的水準,而海外貿易則以美元進行。. low costs. 低成本;. Not only this, but China holds around 1.3 trillion dollars of US debt. A debt accumulated. 不僅如此,中國還持有約1.3萬億美元的美債。. 一筆債務累積. by China's stockpile of dollars from ...

  7. These investments are taxed as capital gains, and things like long-term stock have a maximum tax rate of just 20%. 這些投資以資本收益被徵稅,而像長期股票這樣的東西,最高稅率只有 20%。. I sold some stock recently for $400,000, and my taxes on that was around $50,000. 我最近賣了一些股票,價值40 萬美 ...

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