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  1. 2008年6月10日 · The main approaches fall into the following categories: Personalized recommendation - recommend things based on the individual's past behavior. Social recommendation - recommend things based on the past behavior of similar users. Item recommendation - recommend things based on the thing itself. A combination of the three approaches above.

  2. The solution is multicapitalism: capitalism designed to maintain all vital capitals, not just one of them: natural, human, social, constructed and economic at required levels. If we manage organizational performance in these terms, it should be possible to avoid ecocide; if not, ecocide seems inevitable. We need to shift from monocapitalism to ...

  3. = "In 1972, the LtG report commissioned by the Club of Rome changed how we view humanity’s impact on the planet. The report used computer modeling to map out possible paths for humanity, the global economy, and their impact on the planet". Updates 2022

  4. 2015年6月20日 · Description. 1. "The model @pentagrowth summarizes in five levers the key dimensions observed from the organizations that grew exponentially between 2008 and 2013. THE 5 LEVERS are. 1. CONNECT: The larger the number of nodes (people, situations, things) that an organisation is able to connect, the greater the growth potential of the organisation.

  5. San Pisith is a Buddhist Monk and an Early Stage Researcher at Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance. He has joined the Cosmolocalism project since September 2019 to pursue a Ph.D. at TalTech, Estonia. His Ph.D. thesis focuses on Buddhist Economics, Buddhist Governance, Commons, and Happiness and Public Purpose.

  6. Stan Stalnaker: "Cellular economic theory suggests an alternative to linear growth: circular growth. In the body, cells grow. Cells die. New cells grow. New cells die. On and on. We sustain ourselves through regeneration. In business, a form of staged, regenerative growth could become the norm.

  7. In a standard dominance hierarchy--as can be seen in all of our ape relatives (yes, even in bonobos)--a few individuals dominate the many. In a system of reverse dominance, however, the many act in unison to deflate the ego of anyone who tries, even in an incipient way, to dominate them. According to Boehm, hunter-gatherers are continuously ...