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  1. 5 種能自然減少壓力的食物趕快吃起來! (5 Foods That Naturally Decrease Cortisol, the Stress Hormone) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. I'm Emma Mcadam, I'm a licensed marriage and family therapist and today, we're going to talk about foods that naturally decrease cortisol. 我是艾瑪·麥克丹,我是一名有執照的婚姻和家庭治療師,今天,我們將討論自然減少皮質醇的食物。

  2. 試試富含好的脂肪的食物,例如油性魚、雞肉;胡桃和杏仁等堅果、橄欖或葵花油、葵花或南瓜籽;酪梨、牛奶、優格、起司和蛋。 3. Increase your protein. 第三。 增加蛋白質。 Protein has amino acids in it. 蛋白質內含胺基酸。 These make up the chemicals your brain needs to regulate your thoughts and feelings. 它們會組成你的腦袋用來整理思緒和感受的化學物質。 It also helps control your blood sugar levels. 它們也能幫助你掌控血糖濃度。

  3. 多吃精益蛋白質、健康脂肪,和未加工、精煉過的碳水化合物,例如蔬菜、豆類、全麥和水果。 Simply put, a hundred calories of jelly beans is not equal to 100 calories of natural peanut butter. 簡單來說,一百卡路里的雷根糖不等於一百卡路里的天然花生醬。 The peanut butter will not only keep you more satisfied, but it is also more hormone friendly in terms of storing fat. 花生醬不只會給你飽足感,就儲存脂肪來說,也比較不會對賀爾蒙負面影響。

  4. 對食物上無害的蛋白質有高敏感性最常見的是牛奶雞蛋 wheat , soy , peanuts , tree nuts , fish , or shellfish . 小麥、大豆、花生、堅果、魚或貝類。

  5. 蛋白質會促進大量化學物質酪酪肽釋出這種物質會傳到大腦並抑制飢餓感。 Simply adding 10% more protein to your food can keep you full much longer. 光是在飲食中增加 10% 蛋白質攝取,就可以維持更久的飽足感。 Low fat dairy on the other hand contains calcium which binds to other fats you've eaten and creates a soup like substance which can't be absorbed. 另一方面,低脂乳製品含鈣,會和其他被攝取的脂肪結合,產生一種像湯一樣無法被人體吸收的物質。

  6. In this video, I'm going to take the seven most commonly-believed myths that you likely still believe about healthy food and explain the truth behind them. 在這支影片中,我將會揭曉七個廣受大眾誤解,你可能至今仍舊相信的健康食物謠言,並且講解背後真正的狀況。. We're going to be looking at the ...

  7. 不論你是不是外食族,是否也要生病了才深刻體會到身體健康的重要性呢? 好好照顧自己的第一步就從動手煮飯開始,一起來看看如何養成良好的飲食習慣吧! 1rev up0:57 rev up 「加快...的轉速;加速」的意思,rev 當動詞使用則加速的意思,在影片中的 rev up metabolism 是指加速新陳代謝的作用,rev...