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  1. 單字即點即查點擊單字可以查詢單字解釋. B1 中級 澳洲腔. 臺灣水上樂園大火。. 畫面顯示大火後的混亂場面 (Taiwan water park fire: Footage shows chaotic scenes after blaze) 171059. 阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日. 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報. 影片單字. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 ...

  2. Step one, stay way from the blast site. 第一步,遠離爆炸現場。 While you cannot help your proximity to the blast during the explosion, afterwards, keep your distance and if possible leave the area immediately. 在爆炸發生時你無法控制自己與爆炸現場的距離,但事後,請保持距離,如果可能的話,立即離開該區域。 If the explosion creates a fireball, the temperature can rise up 4,000 °C (7,232 °F) at the source,

  3. 他們當時正在布朗克斯區撲滅一場四級警報的大火,這場大火燒燬了多家企業。 But did he have to break the windows? 但他有必要打破窗戶嗎? On social media, opinion is mixed. 在社交媒體上,輿論褒貶不一。 The owner deserves it. 這是他應得的。 How dare they put other lives at risk by blocking access to the hydrant. 他們竟敢阻塞消防栓通道,危及他人生命。 But there was also this. 但還有這一點。 I am a firefighter, that was 100% unnecessary.

  4. The reason Sao Paulo is so dark is because the city is drowning in smoke from a massive fire over a thousand miles away, in the middle of the Amazon rainforest. 聖保羅市之所以如此黑暗,是因為它被淹沒在幾千英里外、亞馬遜雨林大火所產生的濃煙之中。. And it's not the only one. 這還不是單一案例。.

  5. 影片播放. This was the moment the fire broke out in the hall as the bride and groom danced together on wedding their day. 這是新娘和新郎在他們的婚禮當天共舞時,宴會廳爆發火災的瞬間。 As the ceiling started to fall, the band stopped playing as parents grabbed their children and guests ran for their lives. 當天花板開始倒塌時,樂隊停止演奏,家長抓住他們的孩子,而賓客們則為了生命而奔逃。

  6. 雖然無法證明氣候變遷與澳洲林火有直接關係,但科學家說,這個更高溫、更乾燥的氣候造就了更嚴重的林火。. A dry climate also impacts on local ecosystems. 除了引發林火的可能性,乾燥的氣候也對各地的生態系統有影響。. And how plants and animals behave differently when their ...

  7. 今天的節目從夏威夷的茂宜島上正在發生的新聞開始,這是美國 100 多年來最致命的野火。 Lahaina, an area on Maui known for its historic city center, was almost entirely destroyed. 拉海納以茂宜島上歷史悠久的市中心而聞名。 And the devastation is so bad it looks like a war zone. 這裡遭到嚴重破壞,看起來就像是經歷戰爭一樣。

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