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  1. Step one, stay way from the blast site. 第一步,遠離爆炸現場。 While you cannot help your proximity to the blast during the explosion, afterwards, keep your distance and if possible leave the area immediately. 在爆炸發生時你無法控制自己與爆炸現場的距離,但事後,請保持距離,如果可能的話,立即離開該區域。 If the explosion creates a fireball, the temperature can rise up 4,000 °C (7,232 °F) at the source,

  2. 真的會爆炸嗎? 為什麼金屬製品不能放微波爐裡? (Why Can't I Put Metal in the Microwave?) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. You've probably been told, or maybe learned the hard way after heating a burrito wrapped in tinfoil, that you shouldn't put metal in the microwave. 字幕與單字. B2 中高級 中文. 真的會爆炸嗎? 為什麼金屬製品不能放微波爐裡? (Why Can't I Put Metal in the Microwave?) 7188 83.

  3. 好萊塢的花招分為兩個部分,第一部分是實際引爆的東西。 We've just blown up one kilo of Semtex 1A, which is a PETN based plastic explosive. 我們剛才引爆了一公斤的塞姆汀 1A 炸藥。 這是一種以 PETN 為基底的塑膠炸藥。 Now that's real military explosive. 那可是實際運用在軍事上的炸藥。 So for a Hollywood effect, we don't actually use the Semtex, because it does a lot of damage.

  4. Here's a breakdown of how the cluster munition works and why the United States plans on sending them despite humanitarian concerns. 以下分析說明集束炸彈運作方式以及美國為何在有人道主義考量下,仍計劃軍援此類炸彈。. US cluster munitions, also known as dual-purpose improved conventional munition, 美國集 ...

  5. What would happen to the atmosphere? 大氣層會發生什麼變化? What would happen to the environment? 環境會發生什麼變化? This is What If and here's what would happen if the world lost oxygen for just five seconds. 這裡是《如果說》,如果世界失去氧氣五秒鐘,會發生什麼事。 Take a nice deep breath. Feel how satisfying that is? 深吸一口氣。 感覺很滿足嗎? What you're breathing in is oxygen. 你呼吸的是氧氣。

  6. 克林頓總統為爆炸事件道歉,稱這是一次意外,但中國共產黨並不完全相信。 The CIA would later admit that it was the only bombing during the entire campaign organised by the agency , and a report in the Observer published five months after the bombing claimed that it had been deliberately targeted because the CIA had ...

  7. 分享. 影片單字. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。. 學這些英文用法:安慰,猩猩,內褲,啟示,痛苦,性慾,懷抱,恐怖片,伏特加,霍華德,謝爾頓,掩飾,墳墓,樂子,糟糕,死掉,櫻桃 ...

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