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  1. 該劇的新導演阿方索·卡隆希望讓三位年輕主演做好準備,讓他們每人寫一篇文章,講述他們的角色在過去兩部電影中的變化。. When it was time to turn in their papers, Daniel Radcliffe had written a one page summary, Emma Watson wrote a 16 page research paper, and Rupert Grint didn't write anything at ...

  2. 喬治的《獵人》、迪斯科德的《康科德》,現在漫威電影也加入了這一行列。

  3. 但其實她大部分的讀者都沒有讀過這本書。. They read "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". 他們讀的是《Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone》(《哈利波特:神秘的魔法石》,美國版魔法石為 Sorcerer's Stone)。. Or "Harry Potter A L'Ecole des Sorciers". 或是《Harry Potter A L'Ecole des ...

  4. when I lay My vengeance upon thee!" 當我對你施以報復的時候!. VoiceTube 發佈於 2012 年 12 月 22 日. 【看影片學英語】數萬部 YouTube 影片,搭配英漢字典即點即查,輕鬆掌握單字發音與用法,長久累積看電影不必再看字幕。. 學這些英文用法:婊子,同伴,名字,國家,王八蛋 ...

  5. 獵人確實饒了她一命,但皇后發現了,並三度試圖殺害她。 Eventually , she gatecrashes Snow White and the prince 's wedding , and is then forced to put on a pair of burning hot iron shoes that have like , been in a fire all day and then she 's forced to dance in them until she dies .

  6. 是的,再一次,他可能看起來很可愛和模糊,但這個猥瑣的小松鼠征服了壞毛皮日沒有任何家庭友好的東西,很容易被誤認為是刺蝟的兒子模仿或任何其他數量的無害平臺遊戲。 Instead, this game for the N 64 was developed by the rare company as a sort of antithesis to this idea. 相反,這款為N 64開發的遊戲是由稀有公司開發的,算是與這種想法相對應。 Ah, violent yet imminently playable game with a unique sense of lowbrow humor. 啊,暴力而又迫在眉睫的遊戲,獨特的低級幽默感。

  7. A dragon. 一條龍. A dangerous quest for a lone hunter. 一個孤獨的獵人的危險探索。 I've been alone for as long as I can remember. 從我記事起,我就一直是一個人。 We're almost done. Shhh... 我們就快完成了噓... Hey, sit still. 嘿,坐著別動。 Good night, Scales. 晚安,Scales。 Get him, Scales! Come on! 抓住他, Scales!來啊! Scales? Scales? Yeah! Come on!