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  1. 魚油好處 相關

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    德國頂級魚油-高濃度魚油首選!rTG型式好吸收、小顆粒好吞嚥,有效維持思緒清晰,調節生理機能. 連續榮獲世界頂級金獎,Omega-3高達97.7%!有效維持思緒靈活,促進新陳代謝,維持健康。

  3. 過去一個月已有 超過 1 萬 位使用者造訪過

    BHK's健字號深海魚油,採專利TG型態,富含Omega-3多元不飽和脂肪酸,維持健康代謝,提升活力。 BHK's健字號深海魚油,代謝零負擔!通過SGS檢驗,多元不飽和脂肪酸,專利TG型態,回購率96.3%

  4. 採用純淨海域小型魚種,24 小時內提煉,經過多重專利製程,最後放入 PTP 獨立排裝,抗潮抗氧化. 確保魚油營養成分在新鮮的狀態下完整保留,打造出高濃度、高新鮮度、安全的魚油,補充純淨營養。


  1. 2023年11月14日 · Fish Oil Nutritional Information. Health Benefits of Fish Oil. Risks of Fish Oil. 8 min read. What Is Fish Oil? Fish oil is an oil taken from the tissues of fatty fish such as herring, mackerel,...

  2. 2021年4月20日 · Lower blood pressure. Reduce triglycerides. Slow the development of plaque in the arteries. Reduce the chance of abnormal heart rhythm. Reduce the likelihood of heart attack and stroke. Lessen the...

  3. 2023年6月5日 · 3 min read. Krill oil comes from krill, tiny shrimp-like creatures that live in very cold ocean waters. Studies show that krill oil might have health benefits similar to those of fish oil....

  4. When taken by mouth: Flaxseed oil is likely safe for most adults. Supplements containing 2 grams of flaxseed oil daily have been used safely for up to 6 months. Higher doses of up to 24 grams ...

  5. 2022年11月22日 · Lecithin is also known as soy lecithin, egg lecithin, and sunflower lecithin, among others. Lecithin is also used to treat memory disorders and gallbladder disease, though its effects on these ...

  6. 2023年8月1日 · Most side effects of CoQ10 are mild. They include digestive problems, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and heartburn. More serious risks are possible. Don't take CoQ10 ...

  7. 2022年9月1日 · Eating 3 ounces of whole grains per day may lower your risk for this type of cancer by about 17%. Better Brain Health. Basmati rice is high in B vitamins, including B1 (thiamine). It has 22% of ...

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