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  1. 2020年8月30日 · Have a great day, everyone. ...................... People who are critical are usually looking for some kind of reaction and when you ignore them, they're likely to drop it. 批判性很強的人,通常都會尋求一些回應,當你無視他們時,他們有可能就此算了。. 展開.

  2. 今天,我要試著和你們分享我從死亡學到的事。. One year and 13 days ago, I lost my husband, Dave. 一年又十三天前,我失去了我的丈夫,Dave。. His death was sudden and unexpected. 他的死亡突如其來、出乎意料。. Dave's death changed me in very profound ways. Dave 的死亡深刻地改變了我。. I ...

  3. Yeah, but my brother hated that name. 但我哥哥討厭這個名字。. He was like, "Man, it makes me sound like an old white guy." 他說:「這讓我聽起來像個老白人。. So eventually he changed his own name to Roy. 於是,他最終把自己的名字改成了羅伊。. So now he sounds like an older white guy and now his full ...

  4. 他們總是會有許多悲慘的案例,來支持他們的理論. But what identifies people as cynics, is not so much what they claim - as why they do so. 但那些人是憤世嫉俗主義,事實是否如他們聲稱的那麼多,而他們為什麼這麼做呢. Their downbeat assessments are based not on a dispassionate analysis of our species, but on an inner emotional compulsion. 憤世嫉俗者所給的評論,並非基於理性的分析,憤世嫉俗者的內在情感是被壓迫的。

  5. 我媽媽這輩子給我最大的禮物. she believed in me. 就是她相信我. I've overdosed on drugs on three ocasions. 我曾有毒癮,並且三次. where I should've been dead, 面臨瀕臨生命危險的狀況. but I believe I was kept here for a reason. 但我相信,我現在還存在這一定是有原因的. You show me your friends, I'll show you your future. 你給我看你的朋友,我就跟你說你的未來長怎樣. How do I know this? 我怎麼知道呢?

  6. 所謂的「當下」大部分是純粹焦慮感給摧毀了。 The present always contains an enormous number of possibilities , some hugely gruesome , which we are constantly aware of . 「當下」永遠都存在數不清的可能性,有一些很黑暗,我們心理一直都很清楚。

  7. It is not death most people are afraid of. 人們最害怕的其實不是死亡。. It is getting to the end of life only to realize that you never truly lived. 而是來到生命終點,卻發現自己從未認真活過。. There was a study done, a hospital study, on 100 elderly people facing death, 有一項醫學研究,針對 100 位 ...

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  2. Uplifting Worship Music for Jesus. Worship Jesus together with FREE worship music that bring peace and hope. Sound of Heaven.

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