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  1. 看起來大概只有15歲好吧或許有16啦反正就是一個小鬼。 他走進房間,小聲地說:『我聽說這裡找得到人玩戰鎚…』 大夥兒互看幾眼,忍不住笑了出來。 拜託,我們是大學生,然後有個15歲的小鬼跑來… 後來Tom指著那個小鬼問他:『你會玩? 那我們就來打一場吧。 對了,我的名字叫做Tom。 *** 故事繼續下去之前,先讓我稍微介紹一下這個Tom。 當時我跟他也認識幾年了,他是那種『小白』型的玩家,一整個就是愛亂搞。 不管玩什麼遊戲,他就是很能鑽漏洞。 剛認識他的時候我們玩的是 Doom Trooper 集換式卡牌遊戲,後來又開始玩戰鎚,當然還有其他很多遊戲。 他不管玩什麼都會贏,而且每次都是找到規則漏洞然後硬是打贏你。 在他的世界裡,玩遊戲沒有什麼尊重規則或者玩家的道德觀念這種東西。

  2. Classification. Dead of Winter: The Long Night is a standalone expansion for Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game that introduces the Raxxon location where horrible experiments will spill out into the town unless players can contain them. The game has players at a new colony location trying to survive with new survivors against brand new challenges.

    • (9.9K)
  3. Classification. "Crossroads" is a game series from Plaid Hat Games that tests a group of survivors' ability to work together and stay alive while facing crises and challenges from both outside and inside. Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game, the first title in this series, puts 2-5 players in a small, weakened colony of survivors in a world in ...

  4. A family that SLAYS together, STAYS together! Children of Morta: The Board Game is a cooperative adventure game with a unique shared bag-building mechanism, permanent character development, an emphasis on family growth, simultaneous turns, and interconnected cooperation. In this game, you take on the role of a member of the Bergson family as ...

  5. ‍ 當心! 貪婪可能使你一無所獲! 當你一張一張地翻開寶藏,試著搜刮最多的寶藏時,如果抽到的都是不同花色的寶藏,便能增加你的財富;一旦出現兩件相同花色的寶藏,就會引發爆炸! 你的回合結束,眼前的寶藏全數沉入大海,消失無蹤! 夥伴! 如果是你,你會怎麼做? 再抽一張吧! 13以上|2-4人|15分鐘 牌套:65×90mm×94張.

  6. Pard · 15 years ago 765 6.2K A Tribute to Ameritrash robartin · 18 years ago 610 87 You know you're a Game Geek when.... cull · 19 years ago 539 114 See All (392) Footer Links Company About Contact Advertise Support BGG Policies Community Guidelines ...

  7. That Time You Killed Me is an abstract narrative game of time and murder that introduces new scenarios with unique rules and components as you play. As with any game about mucking about across time, you must play through this content in a strict, unalterable order. To set up, place three game boards in a row to represent past, present, and future.