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  1. Probably one of the most well known instances of a city being run by popular assemblies is Paris during parts of the so-called Great French Revolution from 1789-1793. The assemblies in Paris were called sections, after the electoral assemblies the French monarchy convened to choose the middle-class deputies to the semi-national assembly ...

  2. The core purpose of the obsolete pseudo-democratic models inherited from the 18th – 20th Centuries, is to constantly increase economic growth to preserve the privileges of ‘the opulent’, as Andrew Hamilton explained to readers of ‘The Federalist’ in 1789.

  3. * Book: Andre Gunder Frank. 1) World Accumulation, 1492–1789. (2011) ; 2) Dependent Accumulation and Underdevelopment. URL = Description "Most of Andre Gunder Frank’s early work on the nature of underdevelopment focused on one region: Latin Here he ...

  4. This dating of hegemony cycles also resonates well with the work of several other scholars. In chapter 5 I mentioned Quincy Wright's dating of eras in military evolution: 1450—1648; 1648—1789; 1789—1914; and 1914—. Again, while the specific dates vary, the

  5. Historians have long recognized that there were recurrent waves of state breakdown and political crises in European history: the “calamitous” fourteenth century (Tuchman 1978), the “iron century” of 1550–1660 (Kamen 1971), and the “age of revolutions” of 1789

  6. FRANCE’S later ASSIGNATS from 1789 were government issued, but under conditions of a society and economy already so ruined by aristocratic extravagance that the people had risen in revolution. In the modern propaganda battle for control over society’s monetary power the Assignats described in White’s Fiat Money In France has been an ...

  7. In Dijkstra's terms: decentralization theater considered harmful. Decentralization theater means any system that produces not decentralization, but the appearance of decentralization. Security theater is the enemy of real security; decentralization theater is the enemy of real decentralization. A network without decentralization theater is one ...

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