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  1. 設施 [编辑] 昭和町郵便局(現台北青田郵局) 昭和町教會(現和平基督長老教會) 昭和町市場(現錦安市場) 昭和町大學住宅(大學官舍) 昭和町區 [编辑] 昭和町區,又作昭和區,為臺灣日治時期 臺北市的90區及後期61區的其中之一 [1]。 根據昭和16年(1941 ...

  2. WikiZero Özgür Ansiklopedi - Wikipedia Okumanın En Kolay Yolu 1928 Great Barrier Reef expedition, also known as the Yonge Expedition or the Low Isles Expedition was a thirteen-month scientific program beginning in 1928, which was promoted to study the Australian Great Barrier Reef.

  3. WikiZero Özgür Ansiklopedi - Wikipedia Okumanın En Kolay Yolu 生平 [编辑] 牟琳是清朝 光绪二十九年(1903年)癸卯恩科举人。 [2] 光绪三十一年(1905年)被选派赴日本留学,入宏文学院师范科。 [2] [3] 归国后,他回到家乡,正值遵义初级师范学堂(1907年创办,1908年更名为遵义中学堂)创办,他担任该校教师。

  4. 地方政府的辦公廳舍,通常依其政府體制而被稱為「市政廳」(英語: City Hall )或「镇政廳」( Town Hall ),是市政府或镇政府的駐地,偶爾也是市議會或镇議會的所在地。 在歐洲與北美洲國家,政府大樓的前綴(「市」或「鎮」)一般取決於該地的法律地位和管轄面積大小,與該地的行政分級 ...

  5. Results [] The Nationalist Party ran in this election, having not contested the previous election in 1924.It regained the two seats in Fermanagh and Tyrone it had held from 1922 to 1924.In the election as a whole, the Conservative Party, which included the Ulster Unionists, led by Stanley Baldwin, lost its majority and the Labour Party formed a minority government with Ramsay MacDonald as ...

  6. On October 24, 1920, the Decatur Staleys (renamed the Chicago Bears in 1922) played a game against the Tigers at Cubs Park and billed it as "the season's most professional game" that would also determine the "pro title". Many Decatur games, at the time ...

  7. 由于第一次五年计划的成功,此次大会外号为“胜利者的大会”( Съезд победителей )。 有人說斯大林是各个领域的杰出天才。不過此次大会也是最后一次苏联共产党党内存在秘密反对斯大林的大会 [2]。此次大会期间,一些人找到基洛夫希望他能取代斯大林成为蘇聯共產黨的领导人,但是 ...

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