Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Celebrate With Us. Ten years of creating, exploring and surviving. Ten years of mobs, mods and magnificent creations. Ten years of being consistently amazed by what you’ve built with our game. Ten years of you digging straight down despite our warnings. Ten years of being endlessly excited to see what you come up with next.

  2. 終極 DLC 組合包. 過去 30 天內售價 $679.00. 您已經完成 Minecraft Dungeons 的主要故事,現在是時候進入終界了!. 取得終極 DLC 組合包隨附的全部六個 DLC,探索 Arch-Illager 和 Orb of Dominance 的完整故事。. 透過組合包即可以比個別購買更划算的價格獲得全部六個 DLC。.

  3. 覺醒叢林. 叢林樹冠底下的生命面臨威脅,您有責任拯救這片綠樹成蔭的土地。 承擔新任務,與新生物作戰,並且和強大的叢林惡物對抗! 此 DLC 已包括在英雄版中。 瞭解更多. 悚伏寒冬. 在這深受冰霜之苦的土地上迫切需要一位英雄! 在您的旅程中勇敢挑戰新任務,擊退無情的生物,擊敗風暴中心的邪惡幻影。 瞭解更多. 嘯吼峰. 峻峰上危機四伏,需要英雄來阻止醞釀當中的風暴! 邁向峰頂的路將帶您見到新生物、新任務、新裝備,別往下看就好。 瞭解更多. 地獄之焰. Minecraft Dungeons 擁有迄今為止最雄心勃勃的 DLC,讓地獄激情澎湃。 千萬別錯過全新任務、火熱地點和獨特物品! 瞭解更多. 深藏不露.

  4. The world of Minecraft is vast, so why not take it beyond its blocky borders? Customize your device with our favorite Minecraft wallpapers, social banners, and more! Explore new gaming adventures, accessories, & merchandise on the Minecraft Official Site. Buy & download the game here, or check the site for the latest news.

  5. 遊戲方式. 團結. 獨自一人勇闖地牢,或與朋友組隊! 最多四名玩家可以在線上或者以合作模式一起戰鬥。 戰鬥. 進行貼身肉搏戰、後退進行遠程攻擊,或是配備重裝甲、正面迎擊並殺出一條生路! 將您的角色個人化並解鎖獨特物品與附魔武器,在展開特殊攻擊時出奇制勝。 生存. 展開動作十足且蘊藏豐富寶藏的冒險任務,全力拯救村民並擊敗邪惡的 Arch-Illager 魔王! Minecraft Dungeons 的 DLC. 透過可下載內容深入探究 Minecraft Dungeons 的奧妙! 讓自己與小隊接受挑戰,完成新任務、接觸生物、獲得裝備以及更多內容! 終極 DLC 組合包. 您玩過 Minecraft Dungeons,現在是時候透過終極 DLC 組合包體驗完整故事了!

  6. Sold for $39.99 in the past 30 Days. Experience all the different ways to explore, survive, and build in Minecraft with Minecraft: Deluxe Collection for PC, with Java & Bedrock and the Minecraft Launcher all included! Play the Bedrock Edition on a PC to browse endless community created content in the Minecraft Marketplace, discover new play ...

  7. What is Minecraft? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game. Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. You can survive the night or build a work of art – the choice is all yours. But if the thought of exploring a vast new world all on your own feels overwhelming, then fear not! Let’s explore what Minecraft is all about!

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