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  1. 2024年8月30日 · 会場:東京女子医科大学 弥生記念講堂. 日時:令和6年10月12日 (土) 14:00~16:00. YouTubeアーカイブ配信(視聴無料):令和6年10月12日(土)~10月20日(日). 事前申込:令和6年10月5日(土)まで. ※配信視聴をご希望の方は事前にお申し込みください ...

  2. Official website of Tokyo Women's Medical University. Live with Sincerity and Compassion. She devoted her life to educate female physicians and. improve the social status of women. In 1900, YOSHIOKA Yayoi founded Tokyo Women’s Medical School, the predecessor of Tokyo Women’s Medical University (TWMU) today.

  3. Tokyo Women’ s Medical University originated from Tokyo Women’ s Medical School, which was commenced in 1900. YOSHIOKA Yayoi, the founder of Tokyo Women’ s Medical University, adopted the concept of the primary mission of Tokyo Women’ s Medical School as the founding spirit when she newly established Tokyo Women’ s Medical College ...

  4. 1.主な展示資料. 吉岡彌生と吉岡家に関する資料では、彌生が愛用していた被布や聴診器・注射器などの医療器具、揮毫、書翰、肖像写真などがあります。. また、吉岡荒太が記した『独逸語講義録』と版権証、彌生の実父、鷲山養斎が使用していた百味箪笥 ...

  5. Today TWMU promotes the education of skilled female medical professionals who pursue their commitment with unwavering compassion towards patients. The founder of this University, YOSHIOKA Yayoi also founded the forerunner of this institution, the Tokyo Women’s Medical School 124 years ago in 1900.

  6. フリガナデグチ アツコ氏名出口 敦子所属東京女子医科大学 先端生命医科学研究所東京女子医科大学・早稲田大学 共同大学院 共同先端生命医科学専攻職名教授兼務所属薬理学職名教授専門分野腫瘍生物学学位博士(工学)経歴1994年 慶應義塾大学理工...

  7. 2012 Vice President, Tokyo Women’s Medical University 2014 Emeritus Professor (- Present) 2016 Distinguished Adjunct Professor, Director – Cell Sheet Tissue Engineering Center, University of Utah (- Present) 2020 Director, Center for Advanced Biomedical

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