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  1. Kirk and Spock in 1930 The capitalized term First Contact, in Human context, was used to specifically refer to the first official publicly and globally known contact between Humans and extraterrestrials. The First Contact took place on the evening of April 5, 2063, when a Vulcan survey ship, the T'Plana-Hath, having detected the warp signature of the Phoenix, touched down in Bozeman, central ...

  2. While investigating a 1,000-year-old alien derelict, the Enterprise gets caught in the same energy trap which doomed that vessel a millennium ago. Geordi La Forge enjoys a holodeck date with Christy Henshaw, but he gets rejected by her just after he calls up a holographic gypsy violin player to play Johannes Brahms - Hungarian Dance No. 5. Christy tells La Forge that, while she thinks he is a ...

  3. The Klingon Bird-of-Prey was a type of warship utilized by the Klingon Empire, serving the Klingon Defense Forces from the late 23rd century into the late 24th century. This type of craft, possibly descended from its counterpart from a century earlier, was one of the most versatile warships employed by the Empire, serving a variety of mission roles, including that of a scout, raider, patrol ...

  4. Utopia Planitia was a vast lava plain on the planet Mars. It hosted the surface structures of a starship construction facility, the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, one of the Federation's most extensive construction yards. Utopia Planitia was built prior to 2069. (ENT: "Terra Nova") In the 22nd century, Max Gabl Raymond was born here. (TNG-R: "The Neutral Zone", okudagram) In 2366, Doctor Leah ...

  5. The USS Voyager (NCC-74656-A) was a Lamarr-class starship operated by Starfleet during the late 24th century. It was the second Federation starship to bear the name Voyager with this registry. It was commanded by Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway during its maiden voyage and later by Captain Chakotay. See Voyager history The original USS Voyager was decommissioned following its return to Earth ...

  6. The targ was a herding animal native to Qo'noS. Targs were comparable in form to Terran boars but with spikes on their backs. They were usually dark brown, although some were spotted. Targs were generally regarded as "vicious and destructive" animals. Klingons kept domesticated targs as pets and livestock, and hunted wild targs for sport. The meat of the targ – including the heart – was ...

  7. Vash was a Human archaeologist and former member of the Federation Archaeology Council in the 24th century and considered by many to be a profiteer. Vash's primary goal was not to gain knowledge about ancient cultures, but to sell their artifacts for a profit. To this end, she frequently used methods that were considered unscrupulous by the scientific community, including visiting many ...