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  1. 3d列印 相關

  2. From prototype to production, get quality parts at consistently low prices. Metal & Plastic printing available: FDM, MJF, SLS, SLA, Polyjet, DMLS, & Carbon DLS.

    • FDM 3D Printing

      High Quality Large Format FDM

      3D Printing Service

    • SLS 3D Printing

      SLS is one of the most inexpensive

      options for industrial 3D printing.

  3. 年末優惠3選1限時開跑!百萬等級印製設備,客製金屬零件、建築模型、擬真公仔等物品,把握機會! 年末優惠8折起!專業3D列印/繪圖/工程掃描代工服務,金屬、藝術品、特殊模組皆可印製,速洽!
