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  1. 3m廚下型淨水器 相關

  2. 【全戶濾淨軟水】好評熱銷8折起!NSF安心認證,雙重軟化技術,減少水垢堆積,保護居家用水設備! 硬水變軟水,給你生活好水質!全戶濾淨有效去除髒物質,快到全台11家 #千山淨水直營門市洽詢!

  3. 多款淨水濾心、勤換讓水更潔淨!專售國際牌電解水機濾心,品質保證原廠公司貨,飲用健康水源! 先淨水、再電解!鹼性離子整水器保證酸鹼平衡天天喝好水,選擇泉豐淨水,享受全方位美好生活!

  4. 代理各大廠牌淨水器,專人到府裝機保養,確保水質滴滴純淨,24H服務專線,馬上洽詢! 31年信譽口碑!各大廠牌淨水器,專人到府防疫安裝,輕鬆享受優質好水,24H專線速洽!

  5. 過去一個月已有 超過 100 萬 位使用者造訪過

    3M™ Tape for shipping, manufacturing and the office. VHB, strapping, masking tape & more. Depend on Uline – your #1 source of retail store operations and packaging supplies.

  6. 代理uvex、sperian安全防護器材,針對各式疫情、工安防護完整防範! 提供各式工安護具、疫情防護器材,榮獲WTO安全指定,各種規格、顏色全面供應。


  1. A major research study at 3M Corporation indicates that consumer-designed product improvements were more novel than the incremental product improvements dreamed up by in-house design teams and market researchers."

  2. Eventually, even big corporations like 3M and Walmart embraced green "business practices," cutting waste, recycling, and producing and adopting less toxic products. Europe introduced the first large-scale cap-and-trade system in January 2005.

  3. The Land Value Tax or Single Tax is a tax on what no man can own, i.e. what God has created and left us stewards of in nature. "Property" taxes are taxes not on Land Value for the most part, but taxes on structures and improvements which were created by land users and - in George's system - rightfully belongs to them!

    • Definition
    • Description
    • Characteristics
    • Status
    • Discussion
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    • More Information

    1. "A CLT enables land to be bought and kept in community ownership in perpetuity, passed down through the generations. Houses are sold or rented out at a rate that is linked permanently to local incomes."( 2. "A Community Land Trust is a mec...

    "Community Land Trusts provide a multi-stakeholder decision-making forum similar to adaptive comanagement systems. It also removes land from the market, reinterpreting land as a community legacy rather than a speculative commodity." Status: "Since 1987, the number of CLTs in North America has tripled—and today, there are roughly 200 non-profit orga...

    Freshfields et al.: "CLTs range in size, can be rural or urban, and provide a variety of housing tenures aswell as other community facilities, including workspaces, energy generation, community foodand farming. Despite the diversity in the sector, there are five key features of a CLT: (i) Community-controlled and community-owned: A CLT is set up by...

    Emma Howard, June 2014, UK: "The CLT model has been imported from the United States where it grew out of the civil rights' movement. The largest CLT in the US now has more than 2,000 homes. In England and Wales, more than 170 CLTs have already been established; but all but 25 are in rural areas, from Cornwall to the remote Holy Island of Lindisfarn...

    Long treatment by Philip Cryan in On The Commons: "Community Land Trusts (CLTs) are a unique commons-based form of property rights. Instead of the usual arrangements where individual property-owners hold all the rights or where corporate property-owners are legally accountable to shareholders, land trusts are “owned” by a board of “trustees” who ar...

    Report: Community Land Ownership Outperforms Private - new economic indicators datapublished 21/04/14

    Provided by Kate Swade: - examples of community land trusts there are lots of nice examples in England here: - And in Scotland here 1. The Champlain Housing Trust, Vermont, USA 2. The Coin Street Community Builders 3. The London Community Land Trust...

    Documentation via
    National (US) CLT Network at
    UK Community Land Trust Network
  4. 2019年5月16日 · Discussion. The Public-Commons Partnership is a concept proposed by Tommaso Fattori, Italian commons activist, to replace the concepts of: - public-private partnership and public-public partnership. Tommaso Fattori: "The field of Commons can be for the most part identified with a public but not-state arena, in which the actions of the ...

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