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  1. 與新生兒加護病房 (NICU) 的早產兒互動. 早產兒在 NICU(新生兒加護病房)接受照顧。. NICU 工作人員可以照顧您寶寶的醫療需求。. 您的存在同樣重要。. 只有您能給您的寶寶父母的愛和關懷。. 一開始您可能會覺得 NICU 既可怕又令人困惑。. 但是,儘管有電線、管 ...

  2. 可植入人工心臟去顫器 (ICD) 手術出院說明. 您進行了插入可植入人工心臟去顫器 (ICD) 的手術。. 插入人體內,ICD 會監測人的心律(心臟跳動的速度與方式)。. 心律過快會導致人死亡。. ICD 可以發出電擊來幫助糾正心律過快。. 多數 ICD 還可以監測心率,並根據 ...

  3. 我的寶寶是怎麼感染的? 新生兒感染的方式有很多種: 出生前,羊膜會破裂。這使得細菌沿著母親的陰道進入子宮,感染嬰兒。 出生前,細菌可以透過胎盤從母親傳給嬰兒。 在出生期間,細菌可能會從母親傳給嬰兒。

  4. 子供の年齢にかかわらず104 F(40 C)以上の発熱を繰り返している 生後 3 ヵ月未満の乳児が100.4 °F(38 °C)以上の発熱がある 2歳未満の幼児の発熱が24時間以上続いている

  5. › infobuttonComprehensive Metabolic Panel

    2022年9月1日 · This test is a screening panel of 14 tests that look at your metabolism. Your body gets energy from food through a process called metabolism. The tests in this panel help see how well your liver and kidneys are working. These are 2 major organs involved in metabolism. These tests also measure your electrolyte and acid-base balance, your blood ...

  6. › infobutton › 3Sjögren Syndrome

    Sjögren syndrome is an autoimmune health problem. It’s a disease where the body’s immune system attacks its own cells and tissues. With Sjögren syndrome, white blood cells fight the glands that make moisture in the body and primarily attack the tear glands and salivary glands. It most often affects women over age 40.

  7. › infobutton › 1,4033Alcohol and Older Adults

    Alcohol and aging As you age, you become more sensitive to alcohol’s effects. After age 65, your lean body mass and water content drop. And your metabolism slows down. Alcohol stays in your system longer. So the amount of alcohol in your blood is higher than