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  1. Description. HARVEY SCHACHTER: "The MultiCapital Scorecard focuses on five types of vital capital: Natural: Air, land, water, minerals, flora, fauna, ecosystems and other natural biophysical resources that humans and non-humans rely on for their well-being; Human: Knowledge, skills, experience, health, values, attitudes and ethical duties;

  2. Description. James Allen: "Jakob Nielsen extrapolated that network connection speeds for high-end home users would increase 50% per year, or double every 21 months. As a corollary, he noted that, since this growth rate is slower than that predicted by Moore’s Law of processor power, user experience would remain bandwidth-bound. Until fiber-to ...

  3. 2023年8月22日 · Katharina Pistor: "This Article explores data as a source and, in their processed variant, as a means of governance that will likely replace both markets and the law. Discussing data not as an object of transactions or an object of governance, but as a tool for governing others on a scale that rivals that of nation states with their law."

  4. This graphic below shows a relationship between four types of motivation in two dimensions: First, motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is when you want to do something. Extrinsic motivation is when somebody else tries to make you do something. Secondly, there is positive and negative motivation.

  5. 2023年7月22日 · Description. " The current coincidence of business, hegemonic and evolutionary cycles is reflecting the transition from the industrial to the cybernetic principle of production. Following the scheme developed by Leonid Grinin, Anton Grinin and Andrey Korotayev (2017, 2022), it represents a major turning point in the history of humankind ...

  6. Bio. Vladimir De Thézier is a progressive researcher, writer and blogger based in Montreal, Quebec. He served as Special Projects Manager for the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies from January 2006 to December 2007. On May 8, 2019, De Thézier published an open letter, co-signed by 150 supporters, in Le Devoir (Canada's ...

  7. Clearly, when Midas asked Dionysus for the power to turn everything he touched into gold, he was not interested in gold as an end in itself, but rather in the things that gold could buy. The tendency to confuse money with wealth is what we are referring to as the Midas fallacy. Wealth may be defined as goods and services that satisfy material ...