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  1. That is, if a member has saved 3,000 KSh, she can receive a loan of up to 6,000 KSh. Or take repayment rules, which vary with the size of the loan. Staying with Rohoni’s Pamoja Mikono chama, for loans of up to 3,000 KSh, repayment had to be done within 1 month; for loans between 4,000 and 10,000 KSh, repayment was due within 2 months; for loans between 11,000 and 20,000, repayment time was 3 ...

  2. More than 200 installed sites (6000 PCs) are in schools, hospitals, NPOs, government orgs, small & medium sized businesses. There's a Sourceforge mirror run out of the NCHC Tainan, which has been online since March 2005. On the community front, other It's ...

  3. His seed bank, Vrihi, the Sanskrit word for rice, is growing fast as people bring rare seed to him. He grows it and then distributes it in 1kg packets. "Farmers take the seeds on condition they bring some back," he says. "They must return 2kg as proof they have cultivated it. Most give 1kg to other farmers so the cycle continues.

  4. fully finished models are said to cost between €4000 to €6000 ($5445 to $8168). The components for the TABBY are currently available for preorder, or if you'd rather wait for a completed vehicle, the first fully electric TABBYs with a stock motor will be ...

  5. It builds on an existing Mutual Aid Fund with over 6,000 members that has been operating for three years as a social investment service for 20 African immigrant associations. Moreover, organizing strategies among the self-employed are already making real , and ...

  6. You would also be required to work in order to move up the scale, the more effort you put in the faster your salary increases, which would cap at 6000 euro (approx. $7000). In this way, Le Salaire à Vie recognizes all labor as socially valuable and necessary while still recognizing skill, effort, and the time one puts in to gain certain skills and abilities.

  7. Glomo. = 'Global Modules for Joint Living' : bioregional governance model proposed by by Michael U. Baumgartner, Hans Widmer & Mark D. Whitaker on the basis of the of ‘Global Modules’ (Glomos) introduced by Neustart Schweiz, a Swiss based not-for-profit organisation involved in sustainable neighbourhood and bottom-up community development.