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  1. 這是亞馬遜位於德州奧斯汀的晶片實驗室,該公司在這裡設計用於 AWS 伺服器的人工智慧晶片。. Right out of manufacturing, we get something that is called the wafer. 製造完成後,我們得到了一種叫做圓的東西。. Ron Diamant is the chief architect of Inferentia and Trainium, the company's custom ...

  2. 台積電的到來改變了這個地區,正如你所看到的,即使從圓廠的附近來看,這裡也大部分是農田。 Now, as many as 750 Taiwanese people have already moved here to the Kumamoto area and that 's just the start. 現在,已有多達750名台灣人移居熊本地區,而

  3. B1 中級 中文 CNN10 臺灣 芯片 棒球 公司 香蕉 【CNN10】一探究竟台灣為世界經濟提供動力的半導體工廠、風靡全網的「薩凡納香蕉」棒球隊 (Inside Taiwan’s secretive microchip factory that powers the world economy)

  4. 想在太空中製造石墨烯氣凝膠的實驗室內幕 (Inside the Lab That Wants to Make Graphene Aerogel in Space) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語. 影片播放. This scientist is creating a new, and highly specialized type of aerogel using a wonder. 這位科學家正在用一種神奇的方法創造一種新的、高度專業化的氣凝膠。 material we know and love… graphene. While this material is mostly comprised of air, 我們熟悉和喜愛的材料......石墨烯。 雖然這種材料主要由空氣組成。

  5. The final name change came in 1974 when the cookie became known as the Oreo Chocolate Sandwich Cookie, or Oreo for short. 最後一次更名是在 1974 年,當時奧利奧餅乾被稱為「奧利奧巧克力夾心餅乾」,或者簡稱為「奧利奧」。. It's possible the name Oreo came from "or," the French word for gold, which was the ...

  6. 2024年5月14日 · 這些餐點如此倒胃口,它們已經成為老掉牙的笑話了。. 句子選自此影片: 【發音特輯】你的發音標不標準呢?. 一起來 review!. 學習重點. 1. inedible 不可食用的,不適食用的. inedible. [ɪnˋɛdəb!] (adj.) 不可食用的,不適食用的.

  7. lock out any electrical panel. lockout tag of devices must be easy to identify as well as durable. they should be able to stand up in your normal operating environment. finally walks must be difficult to remove so that they can't be taken off. by accident. compliance reason for it in correctly. 字幕與單字.