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  1. 2023年4月7日 · Losing your balance puts you at risk for trips, falls, and injuries. It can interrupt your life and cause anxiety. There are some symptoms that are a cause for greater concern. Seek emergency ...

  2. 2021年2月23日 · Exercise Myth: Exercise isn't safe for someone my age -- I don't want to fall and break a hip. In fact, studies show that exercise can reduce your chances of a fall, says Dutta. Exercise builds ...

  3. It's natural to lose about 10% to 15% of your muscle mass and strength over your lifetime. This steady decline starts around age 30 and speeds up after you hit 60. Muscle loss happens for a mix of ...

  4. 2022年2月5日 · Many conditions or health problems can cause sudden confusion, and some are more serious than others: They include: Alcohol or drug abuse. Carbon monoxide poisoning. Very low amounts of sodium or ...

  5. 2022年8月28日 · A lot of them are good sources of fiber and other nutrients you need. Other things you can do to relieve constipation include: Exercise regularly. Moving your body will keep your bowels moving ...

  6. 2023年9月21日 · Extreme paranoia is usually the result of a mental health condition. But most of us have a bit of unfounded worry from time to time. Learn more about paranoia symptoms, causes, and treatments.

  7. 2023年4月25日 · Your first step in burning off visceral fat is including at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise or cardio into your daily routine. Studies show that aerobic exercises for belly fat help to reduce ...