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  1. In a standard dominance hierarchy--as can be seen in all of our ape relatives (yes, even in bonobos)--a few individuals dominate the many. In a system of reverse dominance, however, the many act in unison to deflate the ego of anyone who tries, even in an incipient way, to dominate them. According to Boehm, hunter-gatherers are continuously ...

  2. = Noosphere researcher Research Clement Vidal: "The main focus of my research is the origin of the Universe and the far-future of intelligence, which my book is about. I co-founded a research community with John Smart exploring the idea of an Evolutionary ...

  3. One Earth presents a novel biogeographical framework called Bioregions 2020, which builds upon the world’s 846 terrestrial ecoregional divisions (Dinerstein et al. 2017) to delineate 184 discreet bioregions. Two years in development, with input from an array of field scientists, conservation experts, and geographers, the Bioregions 2020 ...

  4. 2008年3月14日 · The vision of the GaiaField Project is to support the emergence of a large, resilient, multi-hub network of spiritual leaders and their constituencies who will regularly participate in and co-create large-scale global meditation and prayer vigils. Our aim is not so much to set up another new global meditation network, but to facilitate the ...

  5. 2023年9月21日 · The researchers discovered a remarkably consistent dynamic: a relationship called “ Sublinear Scaling ”. For example, if you double the mass of a mouse you don’t double its energetic needs at the same rate. Instead, if you increase the mass by a factor of 10 (from 1 to 10 for example) you increase the metabolic rate by only about 5.6.

  6. It was not as big as the year before but it was still impressive, especially in London, where austerity measures run deep. I was impressed (and not all that surprised) that in Dublin, where I happened to be at the time, the mask and iconography were used by the water meter fairies who are disabling the meters that will be used to charge people for water.

  7. Bio. "Benjamin CORIAT ( is Professor of Economics at the University Paris 13. His research domains includes: IPR Sytems, Industrial Economics, Economics of Innovation and Technical change, Economics of Institutions. He is presently Chairman of the Coordinated Action “ Economics of Aids and Access to HIV/Care in ...