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  1. The free software movement is a software movement which aims to improve the user's rights on software and reducing proprietary (non-free) software through the use of operating systems such as Ubuntu. The movement is generally signified through open source software such as Mozilla Firefox , Mozilla Thunderbird , FileZilla and open ...

    • Free Software and Open Source
    • How Free Software Works
    • Free Software and Freeware
    • References
    • Related Pages
    • Other Websites

    Free software is very similar, but different from open sourcesoftware. People who use the name “free software” think that computers should be more ethicaland should try to help people who use computers. They think every human should have four basic rights for their programs. These are the rights to: 1. Use: Use programs on their computer how they w...

    An author who wants to make their computer program free must allow other people to use it for anything (which doesn't break the law), study it, change it and share it without limits. The author does this by using a free license. The author must not prohibit even selling their program by others or using their program for dangerous things or using it...

    The word “free” in “free software” means freedom, not price. People are allowed to sell Free software, but the person who buys the software can change it, give it away or sell it too. Free/Libre and Open-Source Software is sometimes abbreviated as FOSS or FLOSS to emphasize that it is about "free software", and not merely "freeware". The words “fre...

    "What is Free Software". GNU Project. Retrieved 27 August 2020.
    O'Mahony, Siobhan Clare (2002). "The emergence of a new commercial actor: Community managed software projects". Stanford, CA: Stanford University: 34–42. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |...
  2. 其他人也問了

  3. The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is a non-profit corporation founded by Richard Stallman on 4 October 1985 to support the free software movement, a movement which tries to promote the universal freedom to distribute and modify computer software

  4. Free and open source software (for short: FOSS, means free software and/or open source software) is software whose source code is open and available to anyone who wishes to: improve it, study it, modify it, and share the original and the modifications with

  5. Pages in category "Free and open-source software organizations". The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.

  6. From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The main article for this category is Software. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Software.

  7. Free software is software with a license that allows using, studying, sharing, and changing the software for any reason. Please do not place software that does not cost money but has rules on how the program can be used or shared in this category.