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  1. 2022年5月18日 · 4 min read. If you or someone you know has cancer, you're probably familiar with the colored ribbons associated with the many forms of the disease. These ribbons help fundraising campaigns and ...

  2. Empty nose syndrome is a rare complication of nasal surgery. It can make it hard for you to breathe properly, and it can cause headaches and nosebleeds. Household Pests: Moths. Moths sometimes ...

  3. 2024年3月10日 · The disorder could also lead to mood swings, depression, low self-esteem, eating disorders, risk-taking, and conflicts with people around you. But many people who have ADHD live happy, full lives ...

  4. Schools that use uniforms argue that they: Encourage discipline and set clearly defined rules. Promote comradery and foster a sense of community. Make it easier for students to get ready in the ...

    • Symptoms
    • Epidemiology
    • Causes

    A migraine is a powerful headache that often happen with nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light. They can last from 4 hours to 3 days, and sometimes longer.

    The American Migraine Foundation estimates that more than 36 million Americans get them, women 3 times more often than men. Most people start having migraine headaches between ages 10 and 40. However, many women find that their migraines improve or disappear after age 50. They generally last between 4 and 72 hours.

    Migraine headaches are a symptom of an overall condition known as migraine. Doctors dont know the exact cause of migraine headaches, although they seem to be related to changes in the brain as well as to genes that run in families. You can even inherit the triggers that give you migraine headaches, like fatigue, bright lights, weather changes, and ...

  5. 2023年12月3日 · Aspiration is when something enters your airway or lungs. It can also happen when something goes back into your throat from your stomach. Learn more about the symptoms, causes, risk factors ...

  6. 2023年7月2日 · Abrosexual is one of more than 100 terms used to label different sexualities. It falls under the multisexuality umbrella, which includes people of all identities who are romantically or sexually ...

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