Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Currently, myoblast cell sheet (Terumo Co.) has been approved as the first commercialized cell sheet-based regenerative medicine product from Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in 2015. Furthermore, human iPS cell-derived cardiac cell sheet transplantation first in human clinical trial started in 2020.

  2. Surgery support robot iArmS®. iArmS® is a surgical support robot that supports the doctor’s arm during surgery and reduces physiological hand shake and fatigue. The built-in sensor senses the actions of “putting the arm”, “stilling the arm” and “lifting the arm”. Based on this sensor information, iArmS switches between the three ...

  3. Overview. Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital is currently registered with the Japan Organ Transplant Network as one of the few multi-organ transplant hospitals in Japan that can perform heart, kidney, liver, pancreas, simultaneous pancreas and kidney, and simultaneous liver and kidney transplants, and plays an extremely important role in ...

  4. Onozawa K., Izawa Y., Abe H., Kawakami Y. (2012) Reduction of pain behavior by stimulation of the basolateral amygdalar nuclei in freely moving rats. Neurophysiology 44: 394-400. Takeuchi Y. , Yamasaki M.*, Nagumo Y. *, Imoto K., Watanabe M., Miyata M. (2012) Rewiring of afferent fibers in the somatosensory thalamus of mice caused by peripheral sensory nerve transection.

  5. フリガナアキヤマ ヨシカツ氏名秋山 義勝所属先端生命医科学研究所(東京女子医科大学)大学院医学研究科 先端生命医科学系専攻職名講師所属職名専門分野バイオマテリアル、高分子化学、マイクロポーラスマテリアル学位博士(工学)(東京理科大学)経歴...

  6. 細胞シート工学による再生医療 | ABMES. ホーム. 細胞シート工学による再生医療. 細胞シートは縫合糸を使わずに、短時間で生体組織に移植することができます。. この細胞シートの特性を利用し様々な疾患の治療や組織再生を展開しています。. 口腔粘膜上皮 ...

  7. 志田周子は1910年、山形県西村山郡左沢町(現在の大江町)に生まれました。. 父は後に小学校校長や大井沢村(現西川町)村長となった地元の名士でした。. 志田は東京女子医学専門学校を1933年に卒業。. 2年間本学附属病院の内科で研鑽を積み、入局後日も ...