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  1. 聯合新聞網:觸動未來新識力

  2. 2022年4月11日 · 換季天氣忽冷忽熱,這幾天你也感冒了嗎?且隨著近日全台疫情再度擴大,如果出現咳嗽、發燒症狀,要怎麼判斷自己是感冒還是罹患新冠肺炎?中醫博士樓中亮在FB粉絲專頁指出,新冠病毒的症狀常與一般感冒與流感有眾多相似之處,若想確認到底是中標還是只是小感冒,就要先知道Omicron變種病毒 ...

  3. 2022年2月22日 · Omicron is made up of several sublineages, each of them being monitored by WHO and partners. Of them, the most common ones are BA.1, BA.1.1 (or Nextstrain clade 21K) and BA.2 (or Nextstrain clade 21L). At a global level, the proportion of reported sequences designated BA.2 has been increasing relative to BA.1 in recent weeks, however the global ...

  4. 2022年6月14日 · In April, New York officials announced that two new subvariants, which evolved from BA.2, were spreading rapidly in the state. One of them, known as BA.2.12.1, quickly outcompeted BA.2., becoming ...

  5. 2022年4月22日 · 近期本土確診個案屢創新高,COVID-19的疫情進入以Omicron為主的流行樣態。不過大家都知道,Omicron以輕症為主,目前的輕症率仍維持99%的高點,僅少數 ...

  6. 2021年11月26日 · When was the Omicron variant first detected? The B.1.1.529 variant was identified on Tuesday and highlighted as a concern due to its high number of mutations, which could lead it to evade immunity.

  7. 2024年3月27日 · Tracking SARS-CoV-2 variants. All viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, change over time. Most changes have little to no impact on the virus’s properties. However, some changes may affect the virus’s properties, such as how easily it spreads, the associated disease severity, or the performance of vaccines ...

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