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  1. "The OT-One is a low-cost personal pipetting robot (between 3.000 USD and 4.000 USD). It has a protocol library to use tested and shared protocols to get the same results every time. It is an open and modular build."

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    James Cascio: "Resilience means the capacity of an entity--such as a person, an institution, or a system--to withstand sudden, unexpected shocks, and (ideally) to be capable of recovering quickly afterwards. Resilience implies both strength and flexibility; a resilient structure would bend, but would be hard to break."( See also: Resilience Theory


    Alex Evans and David Steven: "In formal terms, resilience is defined asthe capacity of a system to absorb disturbance and reorganise while undergoingchange so as to still retain essentially the same function, structure, identity and feedbacks.(Walker et al, 2004) Perhaps the best practical definition we have come across is the one offered by the HarvardBusiness Review. It states that resilience results from being able to face up to reality,improvise in the face of unfamiliar challenges, and a...


    Daniel Christian Wahl: "There are three aspects and two types of resilience. Type 1 resilience is based on: i) persistence in the face of disruption and ii) adaptation in response to disruption to recover the old status quo. Type 2 resilience is based on: iii) a (r)evolutionary or transformative response." (

    Book: Resilience: Why Things Bounce Back. Andrew Zolli and Ann Marie Healy. Free Press/Simon and Schuster (UK by Headline Books), 2012.

    = "a fully voluntary wealth sharing network". Johan Nygren: "My system extends the co-operative model with a form of inter-coop contract. Co-operatives can sign contracts with one another, and team up to form a kind of web of cooperatives. The idea of multi-coop communities is not new, it was part of Rochdale’s original manifesto, in which their si...

    See John Robb's proposition for Resilient Communities
    Paper by Kevin Carson at
    Resilience links:
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