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  1. 坐标 :23°30′N 121°00′E [1] /  25.033°N 121.633°E  / 25.033; 121.633. 中華民國 是位於 東亞 的 民主共和國 ,曾在國際上代表「 中國 」,現今多通稱為「 臺灣 」;目前 有效管轄範圍 包括 臺灣 、 澎湖群島 及其 附屬島嶼 ,以及 中國大陸 福建 沿岸的 金門群島 ...

  2. 2 天前 · Taiwan, island in the western Pacific Ocean that lies roughly 100 miles (160 km) off the coast of southeastern China. It is approximately 245 miles (395 km) long (north-south) and 90 miles (145 km) across at its widest point. Taipei, in the north, is the seat of government of the Republic of China (ROC; Nationalist China).

  3. › the-world-factbook › countriesTaiwan - The World Factbook

    2024年4月16日 · First inhabited by Austronesian people, Taiwan became home to Han immigrants beginning in the late Ming Dynasty (17th century). In 1895, military defeat forced China's Qing Dynasty to cede Taiwan to Japan, which then governed Taiwan for 50 years. Taiwan came under Chinese Nationalist (Kuomintang, KMT) control after World War II.

  4. 過去臺灣曾完全被森林覆蓋,現在有60.7%以上面積為森林 [183] ,且其他植被覆蓋大部分土地 [185] 。. 自然植被隨海拔高度、氣候土壤不同變化,分成 熱帶常綠森林 (英語:South Taiwan monsoon rain forests) 、 亞熱帶常綠森林 (英語:Taiwan subtropical evergreen forests ...

  5. 2024年1月15日 · Taiwan is an island that has for all practical purposes been independent since 1950, but which China regards as a rebel region that must be reunited with the mainland - by force if necessary.

  6. 2023年9月2日 · 交通部觀光署-觀光資訊網. Watch on YouTube. 臺灣,真有這條路 (自行車30秒) Share. 1/1. 影片. 圖片. 地震後山區土石鬆軟,易有崩塌及落石情況發生,非必要請暫勿前往山區活動,以減少受災風險 加速擴大吸引國際觀光客方案 旅遊安全宣導專區. :::

  7. With its unique fusion of cultures, breathtaking scenery, diverse cuisine, exciting city life and well-developed hospitality industry, Taiwan is an ideal destination for many types of travelers. Citizens of more than 66 countries and territories are eligible for visa-exempt entry for a period of 30 or 90 days.

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