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    Mavericks won series 4-2終場
    5月 3日@獨行俠
    101 - 114
  2. Inverse surveillance is a branch of sousveillance, the term coined by University of Toronto professor Steve Mann, and it emphasises "watchful vigilance from underneath", by citizens, of those who survey and control them. Not that turning our cameras on those who train theirs on us is without risk.

  3. David Bollier, citing Steve Mann: "Steve Mann suggests that people may want to start using new “counterveillance” technologies to detect and neutralize surveillance cameras. They could be worn on clothing as “spite fashion” or “spitewear,” if only as a social commentary.

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. L.M. Sacasas: "Ivan Illich’s argument for a commons of silence. I’ve cited that same essay by Illich before, but allow me to do so again here. “Just as the commons of space are vulnerable and can be destroyed by the motorization of traffic,” Illich argued, “so the commons of speech are vulnerable, and can easily be destroyed by the ...

    • The Three Value Models and The Transition to A Social Knowledge Economy
    • Four Technology Regimes
    • Cognitive/Netarchical Capitalism vs. An Open-Commons Based Knowledge Society
    • Introducing The New Configuration Between State, Civil Society and The Market
    • Beyond The Market, Beyond Planning?

    In order to frame the transition to a 'social knowledge economy' or a Commons-based societal model, we use a framing of three particular 'value extraction and distribution' systems, which determine how economic value is created, extracted, and distributed. The traditional capitalist value model is of course well known, but the emergence of a knowle...

    Value regimes are more or less associated with technology regimes, since the forces at play want to protect their interests through the control of technological and media platforms, which encourage certain behaviours and logics, but discourage others. The powers over technological protocols and value-driven design decisions are used to create techn...

    It may be useful here to directly compare two synthetic and countervailing scenarios. On the one hand, the for-profit driven scenarios that are in harmony with the present political economy of capital; and on the other hand, the alternative scenario of the social knowledge economy based on open-commons principles. So: What exactly is an open-common...

    What can we learn from the already existing social knowledge economy

    The social knowledge economy is not an utopia, or just a project for the future. It is rooted in an already existing social and economic practice, that of commons-oriented peer production, which is already producing commons of knowledge, code, and design, and it has produced real economies like the free software economy, the open hardware economy, the free culture economy, etc... In its most broad interpretation, concerning all the economic activities that are emerging around open and shared...

    The new configuration

    In the old neoliberal vision, value is created in the private sector by workers mobilized by capital; the state becomes a market state protecting the privileged interests of property owners; and civil society is a derivative rest category, as is evidenced in the use of our language (non-profits, non-governmental). Nevertheless, the combination of labor and civic movements has partially succeeded in socialising the market, achievements which are now under threat. In the new vision of cognitive...

    Why is this a post-capitalist scenario?

    Capitalist-driven societies produce for exchange value, which may be useful, or not; and continuously strives to create new social desires and demands. By way of contrast, the open-commons based knowledge economy consists of a productive civil society of contributors, citizen contributors who continuously contribute to the commons of their choice based on use value motivations; it is around these use-value commons that an ethical market and economy finds its place, and creates added value for...

    The key role of Commons-Based Reciprocity Licenses

    Here we are making a key strategic argument about the precise interaction between the commons and the new ethical market sectors, through the intermediation of a new type of commonslicense that supports the actual emergence of a reciprocity-based ethical economy. Today, the labor/p2p/commons and other social change movements are indeed faced with a paradox. On the one hand, we have the re-emergence of the cooperative movement and worked-owned enterprises, but they suffer from structural weakn...

    Mutual coordination mechanisms in the new 'ethical' entrepreneurial coalitions: Cybersin redux?

    Traditional economic debates are often between the options of state-initiated planning on the one side, and the allocation through market pricing signals on the other hand. But the social knowledge economy shows the increasing likely path of a third method of allocation, that of transparent mutual coordination. The first attempt to such a type of resource-based economy, in the Soviet Union of the 1960's, when the construction of a proto-internet was initiated, is well documented in the book b...

  6. 2024年5月8日 · Description. From the publisher: "Terms and phrases such as "the global village" and "the medium is the message" are now part of the lexicon, and McLuhan's theories continue to challenge our sensibilities and our assumptions about how and what we communicate. This reissue of Understanding Media marks the thirtieth anniversary (1964-1994) of ...

  7. Book, 2015 – 2019 Book: Collective Presencing: an emerging human capacity What becomes possible when we are truly present together by Ria Baeck Links: Whole book The web site offers an EPUB e-book and gives more information. Introduction “In this book ...

  8. On The End of the Modern World: "This book will cauterize the spirit of any man who reads it; it will burn away that sentimentality with which so many today view the advent of the new order, imagining – as they do – that a fully technologized universe can retain."

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