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  1. 2023年10月17日 · Wes Unseld is one of the greatest big men that got to match up against Wilt Chamberlain. He was lucky in the sense that he got to share the floor with the Big Dipper. On the contrary, he was not ...

  2. 這段影片攝自13日巫師作客籃網的比賽只見一次暫停期間巫師教練小安索WesUnseld Jr.)在場邊佈置戰術時,所有球員均專注聆聽,唯獨普爾還在一旁和板凳球員聊天,儘管助教、隊友沙梅特(Landry Shamet)都示意他快聽戰術,但普爾仍背對主帥。 之後一名替補球員伸手拍了他,再度提醒他專注,而普爾明顯動怒,不耐煩的喊道,「這是我的球隊!...

  3. Story by Brett Siegel • 1w. The Washington Wizards made a notable move on Thursday morning when they decided to remove Wes Unseld Jr. as the head coach of the organization. Unseld was hired by...

  4. 2024年3月15日 · 故事作者: 曾健銘. • 11 小時. 現任太陽聯盟元老會大哥熹董余昱熹日前因病逝世15日上午9時許在新北市立殯儀館舉行告別式竹聯幫四海幫天道盟等知名幫派皆派人到場致意估計將有上千人出席轄區警方不敢大意出動逾百名警力在出入口盤查以防有心人士滋事。...

  5. The Washington Wizards announced on Thursday the dismissal of Wes Unseld Jr. as coach after a crushing 7-36 record to start the current NBA season.

  6. Wes Unseld Jr. took on the role of head coach for the Wizards in July 2021, but was unable to steer the franchise into playoff contention in the Eastern Conference. With just seven wins in their...

  7. 2024年3月4日 · 享壽80歲 他淚憶「仙風道骨」:真正成仙. 故事作者: 陳希潔. • 6 分鐘. 《漢聲》雜誌創辦人黃永松昨(4)日傳出逝世的消息,清晨4時30分於台北三 ...

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