Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. (用以提出一建議或對一建議表示同意)為什麼不... Why not go now? 現在就去好不好?
    • 2. (回答問句或對提議表示附和)好的, 當然 Let's go to the cinema. Why not? “咱們去看電影吧。” “好哇。”

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  2. 39. Why should we participate in sports? I can think of three good reasons. First, of course, playing sports makes us healthier and strong. We will be sick less often and we will have more strength. It’s good to be healthy and strong. Another reason to join in

  3. Librarians are not on the Internet, however. A visit to a library today is as useful as it always was. 19. Dreams have great power although they are nothing. According to scientists, everyone dreams several times every night. Most people, however, do notyou

  4. Saying “not bad” or “fine” instead of how we really feel may save trouble. Besides, as we know, “to each his own.” People have different tastes in friends or hairstyles so this is not really an important matter. Lying to hurt others or to avoid responsibility, however

  5. 別急著找孩子的興趣 作者:洪蘭 2010-12 親子天下雜誌 19 期 父母不必急著去找孩子的興趣在哪裡,時機到了,孩子會告訴你。只是當孩子告 訴你時,你要能放手讓他去走。 一位媽媽說,為了找出她孩子的潛能,她每天加班賺錢,送孩子去上各種

  6. › 06/0610/09 › 英

    Not only the child and the kidnapper are affected, but the parents, other relatives, and the whole society. Besides, kidnapping is nothing more than a kind of slavery (the sale of people). Again, I believe that kidnappers should be put to death.

  7. 3. Not worth thinking. 1. Answer questions with improper manners. 2. The answer is not to-the-point. 3. Collaborate poorly with teammates. 0–20 Incomprehensible. Presentation is not appealing. 1. Strongly irrelevant to the topic. 2. Strongly and illogical.

  8. I’m not wearing boots! 透過衣著及天氣的介紹,學習服飾、顏色以及數字、氣候的表示方法。 2 Unit 5: What are you doing? 透過日程表及即時通的對話,學習時間、動作的表達。 2 Unit 6: My sister works downtown.

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