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  2. Taption-影音轉文字的最佳選擇!AI自動辨識人聲、標記時間、切割段落,讓你的文字檔更清晰有序! Taption-你的專屬AI助理!幫你把影音檔轉成文字,並提供多種導出格式,讓

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  1. The Algorithmic Justice League’s mission is to raise awareness about the impacts of AI, equip advocates with empirical research, build the voice and choice of the most impacted communities, and galvanize researchers, policy makers, and industry practitioners

  2. Our hope is that 1) Indigenous communities can use these guidelines as a starting point to define their own, community-specific guidelines, and 2) non-Indigenous technologists and policy-makers can use them start a productive conversation with Indigenous communities about how to enter into collaborative technology development efforts. Categories:

  3. "This study deals with the ethical implications and moral questions that arise from the development and implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. It also reviews the guidelines and frameworks which countries and regions around the world have created to address them.

  4. I think of this as ‘artificial capable intelligence’ (ACI), the point at which AI can achieve complex goals and tasks with minimal oversight. AI and AGI are both parts of the everyday discussion, but we need a concept encapsulating a middle layer in which the Modern Turing Test is achieved but before systems display runaway ‘superintelligence.’

  5. AI Risk Management Framework | NIST - NIST AIRC - Home: The AIRC supports all AI actors in the development and deployment of trustworthy and responsible AI technologies. AIRC supports and operationalizes the NIST AI Risk Management Framework (AI RMF 1.0) and accompanying Playbook and will grow with enhancements to enable an interactive, role-based experience providing access to a wide-range of ...

  6. "What is AI? A dominant view describes it as the quest "to solve intelligence" — a solution supposedly to be found in the secret logic of the mind, such as in its complex neural networks. Matteo Pasquinelli argues, to the contrary, that the inner code of AI is shaped not by the imitation of biological intelligence, but the intelligence of labour and social relations.

  7. Our work explores the possibilities through research and experiments with novel AI capabilities — especially those not on the default path of for-profit ventures, including proof-of-concept prototypes and open-source tools." (

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