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  1. › chatgpt › overviewChatGPT - OpenAI

    ChatGPT helps you get answers, find inspiration and be more productive. It is free to use and easy to try. Just ask and ChatGPT can help with writing, learning, brainstorming and more.

  2. · Chat with your computer—Use Advanced Voice to chat with your computer in real-time and get hands-free advice and answers while you work. · Search the web—Get fast, timely answers with links to relevant web sources. · Collaborate on writing and code—Use canvas to work with ChatGPT on projects that require editing and revisions.

  3. 2024年1月18日 · 您可以在 Windows 11 (和 10)上將 ChatGPT 作為應用安裝,在本指南中,我將教您如何完成這個任務。 ChatGPT 是 OpenAI 開發的一種高級語言模型,由於使用相同的技術,因此能夠產生類似於 Microsoft Copilot 的類似人類的文字回應。 < /span> 儘管可以透過網頁瀏覽器、第三方應用程式或行動裝置輕鬆存取 ChatGPT,但也可以透過 Microsoft Edge 將聊天機器人安裝為漸進式 Web 應用 (PWA) < /span> 和Google Chrome。 漸進式 Web 應用程式 (PWA) 是一種使網站能夠提供類似應用程式的無縫體驗的技術。 它為用戶提供離線功能、通知、自動更新、輕鬆安裝和卸載。 然而,這些功能的實現取決於開發人員。

  4. chatgpt.comChatGPT

    ChatGPT helps you get answers, find inspiration and be more productive. It is free to use and easy to try. Just ask and ChatGPT can help with writing, learning, brainstorming and more.

  5. Get ChatGPT on mobile or desktop. Chat on the go, have voice conversations, and ask about photos. Chat about email, screenshots, files, and anything on your screen. *The macOS desktop app is only available for macOS 14+ with Apple Silicon (M1 or better). Access to the app may depend on your company's IT policies.

  6. Open ChatGPT from any screen on your desktop with the keyboard shortcut. Use Option + Space on macOS or Alt + Space on Windows. Chat with your computer in real-time and get hands-free advice and answers while you work. This early beta works with developer tools, enabling ChatGPT to give you faster and more context-based answers to your questions.

  7. ChatGPT臺灣繁體中文版旨在協助ChatGPT的臺灣使用者,提供更好的使用體驗。 工具狀態:可以開啟或關閉工具功能,預設為啟用。 中文介面:提供將 ChatGPT 介面上的英文,中文化為臺灣正體中文版,讓使用者更容易上手。

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