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  1. Come to Live : 與實體同步的線上課程,增加口說任務,強化孩子口說溝通力。. 英語急救包 :實用的英語短句,幫助你適時表達,輕鬆和外國人進行交談。. 兒童口說課程 :Speak Free課程,將主題單字和句型靈活運用於生活,強化口語力。. YLE劍橋英檢 :課程搭配 ...

  2. › cometoliveCome to Live

    Learn English with Come to Live, a fun and interactive online course for kids and adults. Explore the features, hardware requirements, and register a new account.

  3. 考試級別 建議受測程度 CEFR Come to Live Taking Off Starters 已學習500個單字以上的國小學童 Pre A1 B3-B4 Movers 已學習900個單字以上的國小學童 A1 B5-B8 B1-B2 Flyers 已學習1400個單字以上的國小學童 A2 B9-B12 B3-B5 報名前可至YLE劍橋英檢官方網站自我檢測適合報考的級數。

  4. LiveABC互動英語教學集團,數位語言學習第一品牌,版圖橫跨出版、教育及數位內容產業,尤其著重於文教產業,從幼兒、兒童到國高中,透過互動式的教學設計,搭配互動軟體及點讀筆等數位學習工具,打造完整的語言學習環境。LiveABC互動英語教學集團,數位語言學習第一品牌,版圖橫跨出版 ...

  5. Come to live (2do EGB hasta 7mo EGB) Complete edition Split edition Outstanding Serie para EGB (8vo, 9no y 10mo) y BGU (1, 2 y 3). Complete edition Split edition Complementary books Sound it out Life Escalate

  6. 2020年12月14日 · Come to Live Features 1. Step-by-step language skills build up 2. Theme-based content and engaging photos to help students blend English into real life 3. Spiral Curriculum to optimize the ...

  7. › 2019_come_to_live-compressedCOME TO LIVE

    04 Come to Live Features 1. Step-by-step language skills build up 2. Theme-based content and engaging photos to help students blend English into real life 3. Spiral Curriculum to optimize the teaching-learning process 4. 3P (presentation, practice, and production

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